UK far right trouble July/August 24

Not created for that. But to be a patriot in any colony might mean opposing the colonial power.

See also patriot / freedom fighter / terrorist.
well it was dutch in origin when it comes to rebelling against the state, but was coined by the american revolutionaries as a monika and this use of it has seeped into the language here in this context from the alt-right speak of recent times in the US.

not that it matters splitting hairs over it either way they are wankers
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Civil wars are horrendous and would be particularly horrendous in a small country, where no part could hope to remain untouched.

Yankee civilians were pretty safe in the ACW. But I know someone whose g-g-uncle was at home on leave from the Confederate army. The Yankees arrived at his gaff and just strung him up without trial. Many parts of the Southern states were completely devastated.

All it breeds is long-term hatred and anyone wanting that wants shooting. BTW, see also our own Civil War and what happened. Contrary to popular opinion, massacres were not confined to Ireland. We had one as near to us as Bolton, and Manchester only survived because the Parliament garrison was too scary for Prince Robber Rupert.
Agree totally... Race is not the issue in reality it's class
But it is the racist and intolerant playing on that widening class division as a recruitment tool for their class/race war.

Select members of the establishment and bigoted con men using the working class and impoverished in their political games pretending to be anti-establishment and heroes of the people. People they despise in reality
But it is the racist and intolerant playing on that widening class division as a recruitment tool for their class/race war.

Select members of the establishment and bigoted con men using the working class and impoverished in their political games pretending to be anti-establishment and heroes of the people. People they despise in reality

Precisely. Fascism is a tool of certain elements within the ruling class, especially when capitalism is in crisis.

The manipulators are traitors to the Commonwealth of Great Britain and should be summarily dealt with. They like to call themselves 'patriots' but they have no real love for this country, only for their sacks of untaxed cash. But wave a few flags and a lot of people in the country are easily conned. As the Brexit vote revealed.

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