UK far right trouble July/August 24

I think what’s worrying looking at some of the riots/ protests is that a lot of people attending are younger people, teenagers in particular. It seems to be a class issue as well, with a lot of them happening in very working class areas.

The organisers of this are clearly trying to divide communities up and raise tensions.
well it was dutch in origon when it comes to rebelling against the state, but was coined by the american revolutionaries as a monika and this use of it has seeped into the language here in this context from the alt-right speak of recent times in the US.

The Dutch in Oregon were Germans actually, weren't they?
Have they arrested any of those cunts in Parliament inciting this violence?

No because most of them make sure they are at least one step removed from anything that would involve them having to take any consequences for their actions.

This is the thing with Farage. People talk about hating the political elites and being left behind, which I have great sympathy with. But to then choose to support a man who is entirely part of an elite and who actually views the people he claims to represent with even more contempt than the rest of the political world does is entirely self defeating.

However much contempt you think Starmer and Sunak hold you in, they're not the ones indirectly encouraging you to get locked up, maybe lose your job and all that could flow from that are they? Frustration and rage are legitimate feelings but the important thing is what you do with them.

If you don't have any trust in politicians fair enough but in that case there are a many things you can do in your own community. At the bottom of the list is to hitch your wagon to a politician who values you even less than the people you already mistrust. Don't listen to his words, words are cheap. Look at his actions, look at what he actually does. He's been in politics a long time so show me the track record in his career where he's actually tangibly helped ordinary people improve their lot. Don't focus on the photo ops with pint in hand; show me how his manifesto adds up and the pieces of the jigsaw slot together to suggest that he's serious. I don't think he even cared enough about the people he says he wants to represent to be bothered to properly check that the candidates he wanted them to vote for were legit. Look at the people he considers his political allies and look at their track revords. If I'm going on actions speak louder than words as far as I can tell he actually treats ordinary people like shit on the bottom of his shoe. Tacitly encouraging them to go on the rampage knowing that it won't be him in a cell the following morning is just par for the course.
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I see they went after Abdullah Quilliam Mosque in Liverpool last night. I had one of my COVID jabs in there.

I’d never been in a Mosque before.
Just been down to get my prescription from midd arndale, and there are plenty of ne’er do well’s in spoons. I’d hazard a guess they’re getting tanked up then heading to town to ‘protest’.
Anti Nazi League did it in 1977. The NF shit their tack.
Not always mate, I've still got my Anti Nazi League badge, there was a NF football team who played in Tameside during that time, a few of us turned out to demonstrate and thankfully the Police were on hand to stop us getting a right twatting, we'd underestimated their support that day.

I ended up on a night out around that time with friends of friends, some people there I'd never met, can't remember the occasion. One of the lads was a NF member, I engaged him in a conversation about his beliefs (I was really left wing at the time, aged about 19/20), he came out with the usual shit but later in the night he was saying he'd just come back from Magaluf where he'd had such a great time, especially in the night clubs doing the "oops upside your head" routine on the Dance Floor. I said in front of our large group, "you do realise the Gap Band who recorded that song are black don't you?" His reply was on the lines of "it doesn't matter because they're musicians" incredible really. Never met him before and never met him since, I hope he changed his opinion over the years.

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