UK far right trouble July/August 24

I am all for recognising the immense contribution to defeating the Nazis that England made, largely by just refusing to give up (though, other nations may have been able to do that, as well, if they also had a massive body of water between them and Nazi Germany), but anyone arguing that America entering the war was not the single biggest contributor to the allied forces winning the war is just not a serious participant in the discussion.
USA! USA! :-)
In this case “USA military industrial complex! USA military industrial complex!”
Everyone who played their part in the overcoming of Nazi Germany gets credit from me. Regardless how big or small it was.
I’m certainly not going down the road of trying to play down what each country brought to the table.
It was a collective effort and for that we should all be grateful.
Oh dear didn’t really want to get involved but ok. Poland defeated in 6 weeks thanks to the Russians who also murdered the officer class brave brave men who fought on in British uniforms Norway supplied Germany with iron ore until it returned transmogrified many Norwegians fought for the Germans, brave men resisted but significant? Russia supplied Germany with war material to be used against Britain until the day they were attacked many many Brithish seaman lost their lives to supply Russia. Could see the wehrmacht trembling before the armies of India and Africa. America did keep us in the fight at great benefit to themselves.
Norway didn't supply iron ore to Germany. The Iron Ore came from Kiruna in Sweden. The Germans invaded Norway to ensure the continued supply of Iron ore which came via train into Norway to the port of Narvik.

The vast majority of Norwegians fought bravely against the German invasion and continued to resist the occupation of their country.
Everyone who played their part in the overcoming of Nazi Germany gets credit from me. Regardless how big or small it was.
I’m certainly not going down the road of trying to play down what each country brought to the table.
It was a collective effort and for that we should all be grateful.
Although the Swiss can fuck off.
Norway didn't supply iron ore to Germany. The Iron Ore came from Kiruna in Sweden. The Germans invaded Norway to ensure the continued supply of Iron ore which came via train into Norway to the port of Narvik.

The vast majority of Norwegians fought bravely against the German invasion and continued to resist the occupation of their country.
Norway allowed free passage through its waters i should have said people resisted valiantly in many countries many didn’t.
I am all for recognising the immense contribution to defeating the Nazis that England made, largely by just refusing to give up (though, other nations may have been able to do that, as well, if they also had a massive body of water between them and Nazi Germany), but anyone arguing that America entering the war was not the single biggest contributor to the allied forces winning the war is just not a serious participant in the discussion.

Britain made the contribution not just England, easy mistake to make though. The Americans jumped into the war after they were invited by the Japanese and the Germans declared war on them.

But the initial point is that there are always a minority of people who hate this country enough to denigrate anything we do for the good, there's always an if and a but.

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