UK far right trouble July/August 24

Everyone who played their part in the overcoming of Nazi Germany gets credit from me. Regardless how big or small it was.
I’m certainly not going down the road of trying to play down what each country brought to the table.
It was a collective effort and for that we should all be grateful.
Indeed. I just cannot abide arguments that fly in the face of a century of military and historical scholarship, both at home, in Europe, and here in America.

Then again, I see ‘patriotism’ as an inherently dangerous concept and practice, so I would find fault with aggrandising England’s or America’s role in defeating the Nazis.
From what I’ve seen the police played a big part in escalating the so called disorder.
Didn’t see much rioting, nothing set on fire, just people who are angry at the way the country is being run.
Plenty of riot police though.
It seemed to escalate when the police decided to arrest random people.
Maybe if all protesters/people were treated equally then maybe some people would be less angry.
Indeed. I just cannot abide arguments that fly in the face of a century of military and historical scholarship, both at home, in Europe, and here in America.

Then again, I see ‘patriotism’ as an inherently dangerous concept and practice, so I would find fault with aggrandising England’s or America’s role in defeating the Nazis.
Yeah, it’s fair to say I’m not a huge fan of patriotism.

My don’t be a dickhead rule works for me.
You'll notice as well that 99% of the crowd in Southport tonight is made up of men. As I said, this isn't a protest and it's not a rally, it's just a riot populated by rage-filled dickheads who'd normally be battering their wives but tonight have (luckily) decided to take it out on a copper who can batter them back with a shield and a baton instead. But say anything to this lot about the Southport attack being an example of femicide and they wouldn't stand up for the women and girls in their family, they'd tell you you were talking shite and try and knock you out. But that's all this is, male rage begets male rage.
As expected, a man has been arrested after the Southport protest because police recognised him after he was involved in a domestic abuse case earlier that same day. The lot of them are violent toerags who contribute fuck all to this world.

Merseyside Police link here:
Britain made the contribution not just England, easy mistake to make though. The Americans jumped into the war after they were invited by the Japanese and the Germans declared war on them.

But the initial point is that there are always a minority of people who hate this country enough to denigrate anything we do for the good, there's always an if and a but.
I referred to England because that was what seemed to be the prevailing focus of the discussion. It was not even just Britain, but nearly the whole of what is now the commonwealth that actually collectively contributed.

And I agree there will always be a minority of people that will denigrate contributions of any group to whatever success. Just as there will always be a minority, driven by the dangerous nature of “patriotism” that will aggrandise contributions of a nation whilst ignoring the harm carried out on it’s behalf.
Lawrence Fox, amongst others, is now splashing photos of the alleged suspect all over his Twitter.

I’m no lawyer but I’m pretty sure that would be against the law, whether it’s the right guy or not.
I referred to England because that was what seemed to be the prevailing focus of the discussion. It was not even just Britain, but nearly the whole of what is now the commonwealth that actually collectively contributed.

And I agree there will always be a minority of people that will denigrate contributions of any group to whatever success. Just as there will always be a minority, driven by the dangerous nature of “patriotism” that will aggrandise contributions of a nation whilst ignoring the harm carried out on it’s behalf.

Just to be clear I am not suggesting that you said anything untoward at all, the people who constantly shinf and complain can be seen on any thread involving English sport too.

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