UK far right trouble July/August 24

I disagree with you in a way to be honest.
Yes the lockdowns have been gone for a few years now but people would have been affected forever with the affects of it.
Does it justify it, no it doesn't but I have found since post covid people to me more aggressive and have a lot more anger in them
This is the result of people being locked up for too long. I never agreed with the lockdowns and felt it could have been handled in another wat. Just my opinion.

Crate anxiety?
Well that I agree with. The lockdowns were brutal and people have a lot of pent up anger and have been badly let down by our goverments over the past few years.
What is happening now does not surprise me in the slightest.
lockdown was 4 years or so ago, if you are still angry about it enough to join a far right riot, then that is plain wierd
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One thing I will say in Sale Moor Blue's defence is that while it's unlikely lockdowns contributed to the violence in Southport and other places, in terms of people still suffering the cabin fever effects of being locked up, lockdowns definitely contributed to more and more normal people getting caught up in internet conspiracies.

Otherwise regular folk who didn't use social media were suddenly scrolling and scrolling on websites they'd probably never used before. The big example that always saddens me is that Google searches for "QAnon" shot up by over 200% between July and August 2020. A relatively fringe right-wing movement was suddenly hugely popular.

Spread that out to other right-wing conspiracies, coupled with constant TV coverage of migrants in boats and what have you, and you can see where events like Southport come from. Add in the fact that foreign websites are making up fake news and sending it to places like Facebook, GB News, etc. and it's hardly surprising what's happened.

Just as an example, which I've repeated several times, the rumour that the name of the attacker was Ali-Al Shakati was started by a fake website in India. That was then spread on social media by popular right-wing accounts, to the point where people still believe that's the attacker's name, even after the police have confirmed it isn't.

This is what social media's now doing to people. It's forming a barrier between the public and their trusted news sources. The same is also happening on the left, for what it's worth, but the effects are way more severe on the right - especially with older people or people who only opened social media accounts in lockdown. Time to pull the plug.
Because it’s been the law since I dunno the 30s.

He’s been charged with 3 murders.

In law he’s a child so he CANNOT be named unless a Judge orders it or he turns 18.

Other than a morbid curiosity what difference would it make anyway if he were to be named?

I’m reading more shite from the likes of Tice trying to make out it’s some kind of conspiracy why he hasn’t been named but everyone needs to rise above that shit stirring shite and understand our judicial system functions pretty well and legal decisions are based on what is right rather then bending to the mob.

Who knows he may be 18 v soon if people are that interested.
I wasn't making a point of him being named, just saying 17 is not really a child. Until 2022 a 16 year old could get married with parental consent and of course in the past century many 16 year old's joined and fought in the armed forces, young yes, children, definitely not.

I don't give two fucks if he's named tbh, just hope the **** gets what he deserves and more.
Patriots is the new phrase for old school nf, edl, football lad fascists who blame all immigrants for their , our deficiencies and now see an increasingly right wing Tory party decimated with Reform their new bastard offspring.

Farage and Trump might as well be the same person and Tommy Robinson is growing their fanbase at pace which is easily done given the depressing nature of every news item they link their bias to.

40 years on from seeing the nf mag bulldog on sale outside WH Smith in Leeds they now have 24/7 twitter.

Students , musicians etc formed the Anti Nazi League , these days they float rubber dinghys at Glastonbury while entertained by millionaire bands, rappers.

Progress has been slow politically in my lifetime and to see an Asian lad thumped for walking the streets yesterday and the police attacked by everyone its seems to have gone back to the dark ages.
One thing I will say in Sale Moor Blue's defence is that while it's unlikely lockdowns contributed to the violence in Southport and other places, in terms of people still suffering the cabin fever effects of being locked up, lockdowns definitely contributed to more and more normal people getting caught up in internet conspiracies.

Otherwise regular folk who didn't use social media were suddenly scrolling and scrolling on websites they'd probably never used before. The big example that always saddens me is that Google searches for "QAnon" shot up by over 200% between July and August 2020. A relatively fringe right-wing movement was suddenly hugely popular.

Spread that out to other right-wing conspiracies, coupled with constant TV coverage of migrants in boats and what have you, and you can see where events like Southport come from. Add in the fact that foreign websites are making up fake news and sending it to places like Facebook, GB News, etc. and it's hardly surprising what's happened.

Just as an example, which I've repeated several times, the rumour that the name of the attacker was Ali-Al Shakati was started by a fake website in India. That was then spread on social media by popular right-wing accounts, to the point where people still believe that's the attacker's name, even after the police have confirmed it isn't.

This is what social media's now doing to people. It's forming a barrier between the public and their trusted news sources. The same is also happening on the left, for what it's worth, but the effects are way more severe on the right - especially with older people or people who only opened social media accounts in lockdown. Time to pull the plug.
Social media is a curse I'm afraid.... The whole internet of things is a miracle but add humans and it quite often quickly turns to shit....

It's how we roll
lockdown was 4 years or so ago, if you are still angry about it, then that is plain wierd

You don’t think people who couldn’t see loved ones as they died or attend funerals of family members as they didn’t make the numbers cut while the government who told them this partied aren’t still going to be angry 2 years later ?

I think that’s what weird

Anyway back on topic
You don’t think people who couldn’t see loved ones as they died or attend funerals of family members as they didn’t make the numbers cut while the government who told them this partied aren’t still going to be angry 2 years later ?

I think that’s what weird

Anyway back on topic
I think lockdown has fuck all to do with the dickheads out rioting today as was alluded and to think it is is wierd imho

people being angry about things that personally affecting during lockdown is perfectly normal.
I wasn't making a point of him being named, just saying 17 is not really a child. Until 2022 a 16 year old could get married with parental consent and of course in the past century many 16 year old's joined and fought in the armed forces, young yes, children, definitely not.

I don't give two fucks if he's named tbh, just hope the **** gets what he deserves and more.
No, I do agree with you-but its just how it is.

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