UK far right trouble July/August 24

Politicians who seek personal gain by inflaming tensions really need to be called out. There can be no excuse for the kind of inflammatory social media grifting witnessed from the likes of Nigel Farage in the last few days, posing dodgy questions rather than only offering his support to the victims.
I hope the judge(s) who have these rioters before them have the balls to hand down exemplary sentences. Five years minimum.

It may sound harsh, but it's a lot less harsh than what I'd want to do if I were PM.
Prob all go before mags Court and then punsihment is limited, it'll be fines, community orders etc unless its for assault-hope I'm wrong.
Politicians who seek personal gain by inflaming tensions really need to be called out. There can be no excuse for the kind of inflammatory social media grifting witnessed from the likes of Nigel Farage in the last few days, posing dodgy questions rather than only offering his support to the victims.
I actually think they'll be worse-they can see now that their rhetoric gets results.
Well and truly divided on here. Typical of today’s society. Isn’t that exactly what the establishment needs to keep us all in check? Divide and rule, it’s playing out beautifully.
They're angry about the limitations of their lives, most of which are caused by their own inadequacies. None of them seem to appear on the street without a few bottles of lager, and ugliness and huge bellies are over-represented among them.

They just want to blame all their issues on Muslims, immigrants, and dark-skinned people in general. Because of course, if Britain was all-white Aryans they would magically become more intelligent and be chosen as MDs of FTSE 100 companies. Moreover, their wives/girlfriends/boyfriends would not have fucked them off for being losers and wankers.
I think lockdown has fuck all to do with the dickheads out rioting today as was alluded and to think it is is wierd imho

people being angry about things that personally affecting during lockdown is perfectly normal.
Angry - not sure about that it’s the usual same rent a mob that gets involved
Shame they don’t have work or a life to distract them
So they think if they confirm it the conspiracy theorists who don’t believe it happened ( is there any ? ) will be angry and the police believe they might attack the girls families and police ?

Nah can’t see that tbh
Not sure whether you've seen the news recently but the police are already being attacked and no amount of extra information that they release is going to change that. Attacking the families of the girls is probably a stretch though but it can be argued that jeopardising the trial will harm the families
Politicians who seek personal gain by inflaming tensions really need to be called out. There can be no excuse for the kind of inflammatory social media grifting witnessed from the likes of Nigel Farage in the last few days, posing dodgy questions rather than only offering his support to the victims.

Farage is a grifter, Robinson is a grifter, the talking heads on GB News and Talk TV are all grifters, much of the fifth estate are grifters and sycophants, then there's the grifter in chief Johnson and his proteges Truss and Sunak, and the entire grifting Tory party.

The country is broke and fractured, the Church holds no sway, the monarchy has lost respect, the police are reviled, the BBC lost and the judiciary is floundering.

Everywhere you go people are not so much angry as just pissed off.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Now I think I'll have a cuppa tea. While there is tea there is hope.
Well and truly divided on here. Typical of today’s society. Isn’t that exactly what the establishment needs to keep us all in check? Divide and rule, it’s playing out beautifully.
Yes, on the one side you’ve got massive cunts trying to defend the rioters and making excuses for the pond life and on the other side you have people calling them out for what they are.
You can call it division but I’d prefer to look at it as you’re on the right side or the wrong side of the argument.
Clue - smashing towns up, burning shit, punching random Muslims walking past and bricking mosques isn’t the right side..

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