Some of the financial disasters of FC United…… fingers crossed it won’t be long before the plug is pulled…. 9taken from one of their fan forums)
Playing staff cost:
- contracted players: £47,339 (budget £33,054)Most bizarre in the football section is the medical staff cost of £3,463 against a budget of £935
Women's team
Women's team subs/general income: £0Women's team expenses: £2,065 (budget £600)
Women's team pitch hire: £3,114 (budget £3,168)
Football Academy:
This continues to cost the club a fortune. Costs are £10,293 over budget leading to a £29,429 loss to date (though it depends how this is accounted, and whether fees for each pupil are spread throughout the year. If not...
One particular figures stands out:Football Academy kit cost: £7,073 (budget £720)
Function suite:
- room hire £2k below budget
- bar income £15k below budget
- food income £15k below budget
- "bar manager" cost was £8957 in just 4 months (assuming financial year
begins July 1st)
General overhead costs:Repairs and renewals: £2,299. Budgeted: £208Pitch maintenance: £10,356. Budgeted: £2,500
Community work:
- income of £40,000
- costs of £48,900
- community work continues to COST the club money, almost £9000 in just 4 months, whilst it was even budgeted to make a loss (£7453)
Development Fund:
- budgeted events income: £16,667
- actual events income: £1,769