fergie a gonner (soon)

blucat599 said:
with the Mourinho wants to return stories and his reported desire to manage the reds, if he did come back could anyone see United making him manager and Fergie, well if he wasn't willing to move upstairs, well they'd have to sack him wouldn't they?

i think it might be Fergie's last season too

Who cares as long as this is Mancini's first of 25 seasons until he moves upstairs at City as the best ever legend and passes the reigns to someone in a natural succession.
I don't want ole Baconface to go, let him hang on and on and on and still manage the team when he's shaking with Alzeimers! Him and the rags are on the decline so let it continue I say!
de niro said:
i said in august this is fergie's last season, i stand by that.there is no way he'll stay on a sinking ship, too vain.

Won't be rebuilding, unless it's at Bolton, and this could be a season which is characterised by, not heroic failure, just bald common or garden failure, and so he will be on his foldup bike as the season draws to a close.
tazmancblue said:
blucat599 said:
with the Mourinho wants to return stories and his reported desire to manage the reds, if he did come back could anyone see United making him manager and Fergie, well if he wasn't willing to move upstairs, well they'd have to sack him wouldn't they?

i think it might be Fergie's last season too

Who cares as long as this is Mancini's first of 25 seasons until he moves upstairs at City as the best ever legend and passes the reigns to someone in a natural succession.
i8rags said:
lose to leeds, lose to us, lose to milan. time to go and i for one will wave him on his merry way. mourinho no chance they are as skint as stockport.

Fergie's not a gonner, granted he's a whisky nosed weegie but you can guarantee he'll be top of the transplant list just like that cnut Best... I feel for the family of whoever missed out on that liver for that alcoholic bag of shite.

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