Ferguson On Hughes

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Thanx4Knives said:
adelaidecity said:
just have done,but its wrong to wish that a person dies, do you think i am wrong?

He didnt wish death, he just said Heart Attack, he might survive this fictional health scare??

Actually mate, I am reasonably sure that he said this:

''a heart attack(fatal) as we score our 5th at cold trafford would be just fine and dandy.''

In fact, I am going to go out on a limb and say that I am SURE that is what he wrote...because I just copied and pasted it.

So, we come to the word 'fatal' in that line above and...er...erm...well...whaddya think?

What kind of sick twats are you people? Wishing a man dead? Disgraceful! If it were up to me I'd keep him alive as long as possible so that when his liver finally gives out and senile dementia sets in he'll be dragged kicking and screaming from the local rags shebeen clutching a bottle of whiskey while theyre sectioning him. How could you miss the opportunity to tie him to a chair in a mental ward where 'Helen the Bell's' niece works so she could plonk him in front of a dvd making him watch reruns of the scum being relegated and City parading the Champins league trophy round Manchester? My dream vision is to see the miserable, cheating, lying old c^nt frothing at the mouth and spitting chewing gum at nurses for manys a day to come.

Shame on you.
I don't want him dead!

Just in excruciating,incurable,agonising pain for about twenty years.
Co-inciding with him watching the Gollum-lead, long-ball rags being stuck in a horrific billion pound Glazer debt limbo,and us totally cleaning up.

What a lovely thought to start the day.

All this is immaterial. He said City would never be favourites to win a derby in his lifetime. Sounds to me like he's already bought the rope and has picked out a spot at the top of the stairs
I am with the Aussie bloke on this one, yes Fergie is a lying, ecotistical piece of shite. But he has a family (yes one is a wifebeater) and however much I don't like him I would not be celebrating his death.

To me it is a bit sick thinking people will be happy as larry when he dies. Anyway we are all fellow blues so no point arguing about it.
Look at all the clowns on this thread, desperate to show how much they "don't give a shit" by banging on about wanting baconface to have a heart attack on the sidelines.

It's bollocks and if someone on here posted up something from Red Issue where someone had said the same thing about City the same characters would be the most vocal in proclaiming that person to be utter scum, a wanker, a disgrace, etc, etc, etc.

That it is a mod that did it, it is still here and that everyone is so in awe is just a bit more of a joke.

I have had no dealings with the mods on here but I have winessed plenty of warnings bein given out, threads suspended and threads deleted for all sorts of things, including being distasteful. A lot of the time on the whim of individuals mods.

I've also seen mods hand out warnings and bannings for abuse and then later seen them doing the same thing just because someone has a different view to them.

This thread, to me, is just another example of the same thing. I would like a decent bet that if it was a new poster who had posted the heart attack thing then there would be a chance they would be subject to a warning to tone it down and the bunch of sycophants would not have rushed to their defence. It's well over the top, regardess who posted it.

(PS: I have never even commented on the moderation on here before, so I'm not one of the 'hang the mods' brigade - they do a good job on the whole. This thread is a complete joke though and shows why some people do have a go. No doubt there will be plenty of angry comments now. I couldn't care less. Football fans are so one eyed and hypocritical.)
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