Fernando Gago

does anyone else think mancini is not in the long term plans of our owners...

look at this window... we have not only NOT signed anyone, but we have only been able to get a loan player who is , you could say, near the end of his career.

makes me wonder if the owners have another manager already in store?
Mourinho will be here end of May!

That is why we are not buying or selling - only loan deals
micky_blue said:
Mourinho will be here end of May!

That is why we are not buying or selling - only loan deals

And what if we sign Adam Johnson and McDonald Mariga, who we are supposed to have launched cash bids for?
blue dallas said:
AntMcfc said:
We'll be signing Flamini but I think Mancini has pretty much declared that if we fail to bring in Flamini we'll be targeting this average player instead. My God I hope we do get Flamini as Gago is as average as they come, more average than Barry.
barry average !

i suppose you'd like us to have players like reyna, barton, musampa or even alan harper,

back in our squad !

Mancini has looked at Reyna but decided he was a bit young.
Back in for Gago?

Manchester City also pulls back from the deal for Fernando Gago, Real Madrid's median. Secondo “As”, Mancini avrebbe ritenuto eccessive le pretese di Perez, che chiedeva 20 milioni di euro per l'ex Boca. According to "As", Mancini would have considered excessive claims of Perez, who asked for 20 million euros for the former Boca. L'argentino nelle scorse settimane sembrava vicino a vestire la maglia della Juventus, ma alla fine Blanc e soci hanno deciso di puntare sul livornese Candreva. Argentina in recent weeks seemed close to wear the shirt of Juventus, but eventually Blanc and his associates have decided to focus on Leghorn Candreva.

I think thats what this implies.

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