FHM Top 100


It's not really a 100 best looking birds is it. Every year it's the bird with the most screen time/column inches. I'm fucking surprised Susan Boyle didn't get a look in when she was never off my fucking telly (Fat ugly Scottish woman).

That Jessie J is a dog with all her slap on, but she's just had a popular album out, is on the telly and wears clothes that show off her clacker and half decent body. She has a nose like frank Bruno. Always been the same that poll, but it just seems to get worse and worse as people are more influenced by the fucking goggle box.
What a load of fucking bullshit.

If this was genuine and not a reflection of how much each woman pays their agents for good publicity no chance in hell half them skanks would even be on it.

1. Anne Hathaway

That is all.


Ive got the 2002 edition. I rest my footy coupon on it every week. guess whose no1 in it. No googling.

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