I was in the toilet before and during the fight / arguement.
It was 2 old guys. One of them everyone knew and were tryig to calm him down. Some pissed up older bloke had said something to him. The other older guy - I know his name but not fair to say on here said he had been coming away for 30 years and never seen the other. He was screaming and had to be held back by quite a few lads. A few of us shouted leave it get behind the team. I have to say the other guy looked totally hammered just staring around.
Anyway one left the toilets then came straight back in and lamped the other and some poor lad about 18 got a smack in the nose in the melle. Not sure if his nose broken but looked like it was.
Asbos for 60 year olds anyone? lol All that with no beer in the ground and a police escort.
On a positive note - the burger and chips in the Terrace pub were £2.47 and a bargain.