Finally. Discipline, mentality and control

gio's side step

Well-Known Member
23 Jul 2010
Whatever happens from this point on, whatever we continue to debate, positive and negative, perception of cautious tactics vs. outright attacking tactics, I must say, that, that is a performance I've been hoping to see at City for a long, long, long time. I will always hold my hand up, when having approached something with cynicism. I did, and still do within particular contexts, think playing the 3 of barry, de jong and toure on paper as being somewhat more cautious than a statement of attacking intent. However, where I am willing to offer Mancini great credit, is how playing Johnson enabled that 3 to create the right balance between caution and attack. Johnson's pace provided an excellent contrast to Milners courageous graft.

But what impressed me the most, and is something which I have said will change us from a good team capable of acheiving CL football, to a potential great team capable of winning the PL, is to control a game with a winning mentality and discipline. Watching City last night at times seemed completely alien. We were brutal in our strength, composed in our defending, switched on in our reading of the game, collectively controlled the shape of the game, and mentally dominated a side who have in reality a great deal of CL experience. I never feared us conceeding a goal which is a phenomenal feeling as a City fan, I never feared Gerrard getting on top in midfield, never feared Torres getting in behind. Even Richards, who I am a critic of, (brain dead), did appear to have understood, standing on his feet won't give the opposition a cheap free kick. Vincent Kompany was everything I criticised Dunne for not being. Clever, sharp, football brain, strong but not in the pie arse pub player sense.

I will still discuss things objectively, and I still won't wipe Mancini's arse simply because he is our manager. Additionally, I certainly am not getting carried away after this performance in terms of the rest of the season. However, I am certainly taking time this week to really enjoy that performance because I hoped we could become a side, who could produce a performance which meant for the first time, teams (and I certainly include Chelsea and Utd) will not only fear some of our good players clicking on a specific day and beating them, rather fear the knowledge that City arent just a team with good players who are dangerous, but a team which they actually question 'can they be beaten?' 3 clean sheets. A goal keeper with presence who is only going to get stronger. IF we can demonstrate this level of discipline, mentality and control consistently (and that is the great test), then those teams will genuinely fear us as title contenders, not whisper it as some form of mind game via the media. City have been an easy touch defensively for a long time. Teams know they will get cheap free kicks, that we as fans are conditioned by the 'typical city' mentality and how this transfers to the pitch.

But for one night (and I hope not one night only), I felt the entire team and crowd, together in confidence, relaxed, controlled and making a statement of intent.
Good post, and one I largely agree with (except I rate Richards and always have done).

You simply cannot predict what our manager will do. Ever. Not one of us got the starting 11 right in the pub. Even when we heard it, not one of guessed the 4-2-3-1 formation. I didn't like the look of it.

But boy it worked. It was an Italian performance. Controlled, solid, lots of sideways passing and clinical finishing. I think it was our first glimse of Mancini's City and it left me feeling pretty confident for the season. Encouraging. Let's hope we can keep it up.
Our critics talk about the individual signings and question how can keep bench players happy.

Mancini talks about building a team:
it was italian style football, but not in any way shape or form boring.

amazing display. just amazing
The important player in Mancini's system was Yaya! I've never seen him as just a defensive midfielder, I've always considered him as more of a box to box player who played the defensive role for Barca in a midfield containing Iniesta & Xavi.

He supported Tevez in attack and the midfield when defending. As a team, the difference last night was how quick we were to close Liverpool down and deny them time or space. And how comfortable were we on the ball? :-)

We attacked as a unit and defended as a unit and our forward line was never left isolated and always had support from the midfield or full-backs. We never allowed Liverpool to stretch us at anytime and therefore they had no space to play!!!

Lescott isn't the best going forward, but he knows his limitations and concentrated mainly on keeping it tight at the back which made us So Solid!!! *LOL*........ Kolo & Kompany were immense, even Richards caught the bug!!

MOTM was definitely Johnson, he was sublime. Milner showed that even though we paid a premium for him, in years to come we may look back on his acquisition as being cheap at the price!!! Superman who? And all of this in a team missing Boateng, Kolorov & Balotelli.....WOW!!!!

The fact that we had 6 players who either represent or in Richards' case has represented England added to SWP who was on the bench & Bridge who's retired is also pleasing!! So let's keep ruining English football!!!

As the OP said

Finally. Discipline, Mentality and Control
................. with good showering of skill.
That performance was excellent. Harried Liverpool all over the park and when we had the ball, we kept it for long periods. No long ball punts to Ade, everything played to feet, with outballs to Milner and AJ.
Usually I'm a bag of nerves watching us, not last night, that was even more satisfying than beating Arsenal and Chelsea.
A top performance with not one player off the boil, keep it up, last night was the mark and hopefully we will keep up to it and surpass it in the weeks and months to come.
Agree with every word from the op; qaulity post. I'm not one to get carried away either, but if last night was the shape of things to come, then, wow, what a ride we're in for!
We all know there's a hell of a long way to go, but if we can maintain that sort of performance throughout the season ahead we'll be there or thereabouts come May.

One of the things that impressed me last night was how composed we looked on the ball, no nervous hoofing it up the other end, but a confident and controlled pass to a team mate - solid and effective.

People have criticised Liverpool for being crap, but that takes away from us. The dippers weren't poor, they were just up against an extremely formidable City team. Believe me, no-one, not the rags, Chelsea, Arsenal etc will look forward to coming up against us, home or away. We are a very very good footballing side - and it's been a long time since I've been able to say that!
It was nice to see every player comfortable on the rushed passing just crisp & concise,just think what it will be like when everyone is fit and we have have gelled properly
An exhibition of possession football. A joy to watch. More than just encouraging.
Performances like that instill belief all round.

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