Well-Known Member
If it gets rid of you, sure. Leaving the place to truth tellers like me will make it a much better place.And ban Internet trolling too?
If it gets rid of you, sure. Leaving the place to truth tellers like me will make it a much better place.And ban Internet trolling too?
Is Dubai a sovereign territory? If so can they set their own laws and own and own punishments?
Despite how people from other territories feel about it then its their country and its their laws - does anyone disagree that a sovereign territory should not have jurisdiction over its own laws and punishments?
Is that seriously true? Going there mid November through a works thing we qualified for but not that keen on going. got any links to that? Assuming it’s not random stops at the arrivals is it?Does it matter?
You are missing the point. What he did (smuggling cannabis vape for personal use) is still illegal in the UK. But harsh punishment for this kind of offence isn't really fair is it?
If Dubai want to go back in time to their strict Islamic paradise maybe they should kick out all the foreign nationals and stop being such fucking hypocrites. Note this doesn't apply to Saudi Arabia, because citizens are still the majority (and majority of foreign workers are other Arab nationities).
Why do you think they punish foreign tourists and ex pats harshly for these offences, is it a way of showing the younger generation of Emiratis (who are less conservative) that establishment/authorities mean business and not to step out of line?
Did you know that just having illegal drugs in your system is a criminal offence in dubai? You don't actually have to be in physical possession.
You don’t want blueuntrue on arrivals:-)Is that seriously true? Going there mid November through a works thing we qualified for but not that keen on going. got any links to that? Assuming it’s not random stops at the arrivals is it?
Is that seriously true? Going there mid November through a works thing we qualified for but not that keen on going. got any links to that? Assuming it’s not random stops at the arrivals is it?
Yep, the UAE is a shithole when it comes to human rights and stuff like this.Every year or so there's a similar story from Dubai. Don't know why anyone goes there. If it's not this, it's a woman getting arrested for the terrible crime of being raped.
Absolutely but that doesn’t excuse being held for 14 days without counsel and then being told to sign something in Arabic.If you go somewhere you gen up on their laws and customs - you know how people want visitors here to do? - then do shit that doesn't fall foul of their laws. As for the sanctions thats their call - you know sovereign country controlling its own laws and so on?
A-fucking men.So if the story is next week gay Brit gets thrown off building that’s okay as long as it’s the law?
I shall remember this next time you moan about anything a government does that is legal within the laws of its own country.
They’re allowed.We are aware of certain things bikinis in the Middle East,