Four more weeks to go! ;D

Blue Smarties

Well-Known Member
10 Aug 2008
Four more weeks to go till my GCSE exams kick off! Can't wait to grab 'em by the throat and rip them to pieces, no point in worrying over the twats because they'll just fuck you up. Go in the exam room with the mind of Kompany!!!

Anyone else got some coming up? Just got my science results back today, I got entered early so we can resit the main exam if we messed up which you wont be able to do if you do it in the summer. I'm ten marks off a B and I've got a practical session which is in for Friday which is worth 40 marks so I believe I should be able to get a B.
Got 2 exams next week to get into my final year of Uni, then i'm free for 4 1/2 months.
stony said:
Good luck blue, my lad is starting his GCSE's soon too.
Cheers, I've got an almighty exam in bins! Been researching the materials used in bins tonight aha, didn't know how much detail went into designing a bin!

Oh and for the above, do you get study leave in Uni? Our school isn't giving us any because recent year groups have just gone out on week long piss ups in the park...
Good luck Blue Smartie and anyone else who has upcoming exams. My GCSE's start soon too, my first being on the 12th May. (I think?)

I entered R.E, Statistics and Science last year and came out with an extremely pleasing AAA so it's all good :) I've messed up with college applications though - the one I want to go to requires a minimum of 4A's and 4B's. I've applied for there but I don't seem to have been accepted into my 2nd choice for some reason, so if I don't get the grades I'm screwed basically because I have no back-up.
amehh said:
Good luck Blue Smartie and anyone else who has upcoming exams. My GCSE's start soon too, my first being on the 12th May. (I think?)

I entered R.E, Statistics and Science last year and came out with an extremely pleasing AAA so it's all good :) I've messed up with college applications though - the one I want to go to requires a minimum of 4A's and 4B's. I've applied for there but I don't seem to have been accepted into my 2nd choice for some reason, so if I don't get the grades I'm screwed basically because I have no back-up.
Good luck to you in all, those three A's must be nice! ;)

Unlucky about the college situation! My schools got a sixth form/college thing going on so I'm going to that because it's got a 100% pass rate in English A - C which is one of the key subjects I need.
Good luck
Boys and Girls
Do your best you have a few months of hard work that can make all the differance to your lifes
blue John said:
Good luck
Boys and Girls
Do your best you have a few months of hard work that can make all the differance to your lifes

This! Worth it after seeing friends miss out on uni courses because they were slack on the final run in with A-levels! Know it's GCSEs but same logic applies!

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