Foxy knoxy and her lover.


They should simply ask for the sentence to be served in the USA, then overturn the guilty sentence once she's on US soil like we did with Michael Shields.

I really don't think, after the travesty of justice conducted by Jack Straw, we can be too high and mighty on this.
hmmmmmm...... these circumstances remind me of the Michael Shields case and the scousers.

I Still believe Shields is guilty and has been let walk free due to political pressures.

I just hope the Italians do not agree to transfere "foxy knoxy" to a septic prison as the same will occur over there.

Maybe the Shields case will make the Italian's think twice about a transfer if the situation arises.
mat said:
allan harper said:
What's this bollocks Mrs reptilian clinton getting involved

She'll threaten them with a bombing raid on perugia.

Fucks me off Merideth Kurcher seems to be forgotton about whilst this sadistic woman whos own father doesn't reallty know her revels in the publicity. I bet if she looked like bella emberg they'd have let her rot.

Swales lives first line is aimed in jest but if you've seen both CNN and fox news coverage that is pretty much their angle whilst belittling both the italian nation and their justice system.

I haven't seen the U.S. tv coverage of the case, but I can imagine the furore that Fox will be kicking up. I get the impression that the Yanks think that they couldn't possibly get a fair trial in Italy (It's all mafia and corruption there y'know).

While they think it's perferctly legitimate to try a geeky English bloke with Aspergers possibly resulting in him serving 40 years in prison.

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