ffs said:my stepson is 25 years old,is autistic,as severe to profound learning difficulties and as downs syndrone i love him to bits and he as made an incredible difference to my life and of that to all the people who know him.As his father i would defend him from ridicule and intolerance at the drop of an hat, but and this is a big BUT in a world were political correctness as gone mad beyond madness,i cant beleive that this as been made newsworthy,here with have one of this countries most outragous and i mean OUTRAGOUS comedians basically being told you cant say this or you cant say that.They must of known what frankie is like before they saw him,and to be so narrow minded to
think that he might not touch on what clearly is a difficult subject for them is very niaive on there part.
my brother has spina-bifida and learning difficultys. he's outwordly 'normal' but has issues that affect him having a normal life.
he loves frankie boyle and any offensive humour - he doesn't take it personally, so why should these people come out and defend someone for perhaps the wrong reasons?
ok they are looking out for their family, but people need to step back and think.