French Tunisian and Kuwait Terrorist attacks {merged}

Don't know anything about religion but what is Isis end everyone else an enemy or is living side by side even an option for them ?
Would they be happy with there own land/countries or does it have to spread worldwide ?
Worldwide, they want to rid the Planet of all Kuffars
Isis are apparently killing their own members for not being Isis enough.
The only solution to this is for the people who live amongst them to kill them. To put that in perspective, it'd be like someone telling you to go and deal with a family that has been terrorising an estate. That doesn't happen here does it? It doesn't happen because of fear of retribution.
Drone strikes or carpet bombing just makes the semi sympathiser get off the fence and become radicalised.
There isn't an answer to it.
We've seen lone gunmen cause havoc on our streets here. Try dealing with 30,000 of them.
And how many of those 1.6 billion Muslims are born and brought up in countries that routinely commit acts of barbarism as a matter of course?
How can we educate people to be tolerant and humanitarian when it goes completely against the grain of everything they are taught and everything they believe in?
This is in an important issue, particularly in relation to Saudi Arabia being the "centre" of Islam. Without the urgent modernization of Saudi Arabia (for a start), we don't stand a chance of eradicating the mindset of IS wannabes. Because no matter how much we try to educate people, problems will inevitably continue if they can point to the general barbarism and lack of tolerance imposed in Saudi Arabia and see some form of "official" justification for their twisted beliefs.
"Modernisation" would be seen as decadence and a loss of moral values to the people in charge. I would imagine that anyone in countries such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan that promotes such thinking would be dealt with severely.
a perfect target for a terrorist would indeed be a live premier league game they would have all the exposure on live TV, and the scary thing about this it would not be that hard to pull off, say three terrorists enter a ground with each one hiding parts to a machine gun then they meet in the toilets and assemble it, run on the pitch and spray the crowd, potentially thousands could be murdered
Fuck, that's a tad morbid..
"Modernisation" would be seen as decadence and a loss of moral values to the people in charge. I would imagine that anyone in countries such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan that promotes such thinking would be dealt with severely.
The fact that places like Thailand, Dubai and Bahrain are crammed full of Saudis every single weekend tells you that there must be an appetite for more freedom, as does the fact that Saudi has the highest number of YouTube views per capita of any country in the world. That said, you're right that it's the tight control of the country's leaders (both political and religious) that prevent it from modernising in the way many of their "subjects" would like it to. I'm not proposing they turn Riyadh into a pisshead's paradise, but a good start would be to give women equal rights, allow religious freedom, and lift the ban on cinemas. Very unlikely to happen any time soon, but without it, I don't see an end to the IS problem.
Don't know anything about religion but what is Isis end everyone else an enemy or is living side by side even an option for them ?
Would they be happy with there own land/countries or does it have to spread worldwide ?
They want a return to the calife roughly speaking all of the Middle East Noth Africa and a huge chunk of Spain, and then rule it under a very puritanical form of Islam, there is no point in even trying to talk to them
We don't exactly help the situation by giving the world cup to a country like Qatar, which has an appalling record regarding human rights and tolerance.
It's like we're endorsing and accepting the fact that some people regard some people's lives as cheap and expendable.
You mean FIFA?

"We" had fuck all to do with it. And Qatar may be many things, but it is miles more progressive than Saudi.

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