From the picture this person a prick?

I hope he is thumbing a lift to get the fuck out of this country,hope he goes to Mongolia or somewhere like fucking dog can sing better than that twat
I don't know who he is but what I'll say is that when I go shopping for clothes he was at I don't want to end up looking like.

Grade A Prick
i hate this guy. can't sing for shit but gets female attention..he needs a wash, cut his hair and go to a health clinic.

any lad who wears tight skinny jeans is a ****
Yes I understand why women love him he is a metrosexual bisexual with a few STDs and no visable or physical backbone. He will be more drama than a room full of teenage girls and looks like the generic twat that the media has succeeded in convincing those too slow to think for themselves is attractive. Think "Russell Brand" its a sign of our times. Women are attracted to girly men and men aim to be like this clown because women "think" that is what is attractive.

Thank God for the intelligent women who see through what the media is doing by attempting to turn men into women. Also respect to the real men who know wearing a thong and make up is not masculine. He will soon be found in a pool of his own vomit probably with a belt around his neck and a gay magazine in his hands and a lavender sex toy up his bottom.
Christ, he might want to get some clothes that fit him. A hair cut is also needed. Scruffy ****.
i have decided i am going to have a bash at that x factor next year because if this twat (and others before him) can get to them live shows i think i could win it,cause he cant sing for shit
bluemoon27 said:
i have decided i am going to have a bash at that x factor next year because if this twat (and others before him) can get to them live shows i think i could win it,cause he cant sing for shit

Go for it mate I reckon you could win it. Make sure you let us know when you are on so we can cheer you on.

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