Gabriel Jesus first intervew on OS

I'm open-minded. Kelechi has fantastic stats and appears a player of great promise BUT he's looked out of sorts recently and you do get the impression Pep's not keen. Jesus is hugely promising but hasn't kicked a ball in this country yet. There may yet be room for both of them, depending on formation. We will see. A nice problem to ponder over, though.
It is indeed! I can see us loaning him to a Premier League club within the next year, kind of like Chelsea loaning Lukaku to Everton. He was so young at Chelsea and couldn't quite become first choice. Then he developed quickly and big money was offered for him. That will happen with us and Kelechi. Then the board/manager will have a decision to make. Recall him into the team or take £25m-£30m (if he plays well out on loan and improves). I don't know what the powers that be would choose when that inevitable day comes! I suppose it depends on who else we buy between then and now.
As I alluded to further up, is Kelechi going to become our number one striker? Some might say yes, personally I think that man will be Gabriel Jesus and Kelechi will find himself as an impact sub. At the moment he's happy playing that role, but eventually it will get to the point where he simply needs to be playing every game from the start. I reckon we'll loan him out at some point. Assuming Aguero stays beyond this summer, Kelechi is now 3rd choice striker, and even as 2nd choice he was often an unused sub or coming on with 2 mins left. I think it's going to be really tough for him to fully break into our side. Don't you? The only way would be to go back to 3 at the back, then we can cram an extra attacking player in (but you'd expect that to be an extra midfielder with Pep, not an extra striker).

I think you're right, loans the best option next year but I'd leave it 100% up to him. I think Pep will probably want another forward this summer anyway. It really sucks too. Not really a great signal to the academy but it is what it is.
Fucking James Ducker is already at it -

Pressure on Gabriel Jesus to deliver for Manchester City will be felt on and off the pitch

(I'm not linking the article because no one should read that shit)
One of the issues to me this season is that Aguero isn't playing as well as he can do. Perhaps this will give us a chance to play Jesus up front with Aguero with KDB behind and Sterling/Sane on the wings. Then the team starts to have some pace and energy.
I don't believe Nacho is third choice striker - Pep will have a front 3 and I can see times when the personnel will swap around. Fixing Jesus to the tip of the tree wastes a lot of his talent imho.

Either way, great to have him. He's going to give us a lot of go forward, something we've lacked in our stumbles this and last year.
Will be interesting to see whether he plays in the middle or out wide

In this City team we don't really have a front 3 that rotates. For the most part the wide players stay wide and Aguero plays down the middle, obviously with some license.

So will Jesus just be added to the personnel, or will we see a change to the way we play? Will he play down the middle where he does for club and country?

I think at first he will just get games where he can and this season will be about settling in, but I think he will become our main striker.

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