Gareth Barry: The REAL story


Well-Known Member
10 Jan 2009
Last season, Barry made it known that he wanted to go to Liverpool. MON said he could, but that they would have to pony up $18M because Benitez is not getting you for nothing and I need the money to buy a few players. Benitez and MON had a rather public row and MON said he would not negotiate to lower than $18M even though Villa needed the money for players.

Barry, having been at Villa for ELEVEN FUCKING YEARS, is none too thrilled with all of this public blackmail over a few million quid and is totally pissed off. Tells the world he just wants to play in the Champions League (knowing full well Chelski, Arsenal and Man Ure had no interest in playing $18M for him) so he can go to 'Pool. MON does not back down and tells Barry and the world that he wants Barry to stay so Villa can make the CL this season. Barry has to agree coz he still has two years on his contract, but tells MON and Randy Lerner that they can fuck right off if they do not make the CL for 09-10. MON gives up on UEFA to try and salvage CL position, but it all goes south. Barry makes it known he is unhappy and that if they want anything for him, now is the time to sell him because if they don't he is leaving for nothing next year and is going to be none too happy for the rest of the coming season.

None of the CL teams has the wherewithall to give him the deal he wants, and none are willing to pay $12M until they offload a player or two, so Hughes rolls in,

MH: "Whaddya need to be happy?"

GB: "First team football and a place in the England squad for South Africa."

MH: "If you fancy playing CM/LM for me consider it sorted! Oh, and how about a nice fat wad from the Sheik to make you feel loved for 5 years?"

GB: "Yeah, sounds tops, as this Aston Martin is a year old now! Going to have to say a few nice things about Villa on my way out, though, coz everyone's going to think I am joining the club that is ruining football just for the cash."

MH: "No worries, Gareth, and that is a lovely Welsh name you've got, too! See ya when ya get back from your England trip......and don't get fucking injured!!!"

GB: "Thanks gaffer!"

And they all lived happily ever after.

The Beginning!
chicagoblue=the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth . Uncanny how distance gives clarity
You know it's not a top story when it doesn't contain Elmo and Big Bird getting randy in a public toilet...
Blue Smartie said:
You know it's not a top story when it doesn't contain Elmo and Big Bird getting randy in a public toilet...

I had visions of Elano & Jo when reading that
drt said:
Blue Smartie said:
You know it's not a top story when it doesn't contain Elmo and Big Bird getting randy in a public toilet...

I had visions of Elano & Jo when reading that

Can't think why!



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