Gareth Barry



In a shower of shit, he (along with Robinho) stank the most.

I've not really commented on him this season, but frankly I don't see what others see. I think he's vastly overrated,

How he ever gets into our team ahead of Stevie is beyond me.
BillyShears said:
In a shower of shit, he (along with Robinho) stank the most.

I've not really commented on him this season, but frankly I don't see what others see. I think he's vastly overrated,

How he ever gets into our team ahead of Stevie is beyond me.

I agree he had a fooking mare today but it was only the other week he had an outstanding game. He started off top draw to the season but as of late been pritty poor. I personally think hes playing injured and needs a rest
BillyShears said:
In a shower of shit, he (along with Robinho) stank the most.

I've not really commented on him this season, but frankly I don't see what others see. I think he's vastly overrated,

How he ever gets into our team ahead of Stevie is beyond me.

I think you are being a little hard too be honest - he had a poor game today as did everyone else but he has had many many games where he has played well. The team lost today Moyes cranked the Everton players up tday and they came out like coiled springs - every single outfied player for City lost their personal battle with their opposite Everton player.

Ireland has had some howlers also
I'm sure he has a hernia problem. If this is so then he should get it sorted quick before it gets too bad and he is missing for loads of games. We will need him towards the end of the season.
BillyShears said:
In a shower of shit, he (along with Robinho) stank the most.

I've not really commented on him this season, but frankly I don't see what others see. I think he's vastly overrated,

How he ever gets into our team ahead of Stevie is beyond me.

I Agree, When we signed Barry it was out of the blue (no pun) but at the same time i was buzzin coz we got a top midfielder but really dont think he's shined for city!
To see why barry is rated as he is, go onto the telegraphs statistics page, link to it the other week. barry is near the top on every stat, successfull passes, chances created, tackles won etc. This is in sharp contrast to our other midfielder ndj, who is only near the top on one stat, tackles lost. I just don't understand all the hype about him, he is meant to be a hard midfielder yet wins only 66% of his tackles. he barely goes near a man, unless there are other city shirts near him when he will dive in, it was embarassing when he stood about 5 yards off his man on about 85mins, don't even get me started on his ability on the ball. I think he is totally ineffective and has managed to pull the wool over a lot of people's eyes, not quite sure how.
BillyShears said:
In a shower of shit, he (along with Robinho) stank the most.

I've not really commented on him this season, but frankly I don't see what others see. I think he's vastly overrated,

How he ever gets into our team ahead of Stevie is beyond me.

barry started the season well and has since been average but i dont know if its down to lack of form or if he needs an op that isnt coming til july which was something i heard at the back end of hughes' reign. however, stevie ireland hasnt had a good game yet this season and thats why barry gets in ahead of him.

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