GB News

On the subject of Neil I think it's great that he's on C4. Between that and Andrew Mar on LBC there may actually be some decent interviews that poke our dear leader's.
Our dear leaders avoid uncomfortable scrutiny. Remember Boris hiding in a fridge? And seriously, when was the last time a senior minister was grilled at length with hard hitting questions?

They've threatened the BBC with the loss of their licence fee if they are too critical of them, Channel 4, which famously placed a melting block of ice on the tory podium when no invited reprersentative wanted to appear in a pre election debate is now facing privatisation, probably to be sold off to one of their 'friends', and let's not forget the Treason Bill now winding it's way through the corridors of power in Westminster.

Nah, they come up with their three word slogans, put a high viz jacket on for a photo Op, answer a benign question or two with smirks on their faces, but run to the hills en masse when their lies and deception are put to the test.

It doesn't matter if Andrew Neil, Andrew Marr, or Jeremy Paxman want to interview them, they won't show up, they're too cowardly for that, and even if they did, they'd obfuscate in their normal fashion. Their answers just wouldn't be worth listening to.
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Farage and GBNews angry about immigration ( from all over the globe ) but illustrate it with photo's of a few people in the Channel in boats - racist scum

To be fair, the article makes plenty of reference to illegal migrants on boats across the channel - but yes, the main thrust is the high overall immigration numbers, projected to be record breaking this year. But how can they illustrate legal migrants? They can't exactly photograph a line of people at Manchester Airport because who knows who is whom?

It actually mentions “...the visibility of illegal immigration across the English Channel and that worries us and puts a big burden upon us.” plus "...the level of legal immigration is huge, it looks like we’re heading for a record year of net migration into the United Kingdom."

It isn't racist to think we can't provide the hospitals, schools, transport infrastructure etc. for an ever increasing population and it is wrong to throw that word around arbitrarily, there's a bit more to it than that.
To be fair, the article makes plenty of reference to illegal migrants on boats across the channel - but yes, the main thrust is the high overall immigration numbers, projected to be record breaking this year. But how can they illustrate legal migrants? They can't exactly photograph a line of people at Manchester Airport because who knows who is whom?

It actually mentions “...the visibility of illegal immigration across the English Channel and that worries us and puts a big burden upon us.” plus "...the level of legal immigration is huge, it looks like we’re heading for a record year of net migration into the United Kingdom."

It isn't racist to think we can't provide the hospitals, schools, transport infrastructure etc. for an ever increasing population and it is wrong to throw that word around arbitrarily, there's a bit more to it than that.

Yes but Nigel Farage is a racist. GB News is racist (besides a few tokens spouting irrational rightwing rants) and you are a racist.

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