GB News

Stand up then and talk about it. What do you have to say on Paul Marshall and his private members group on X?

You know, that man who wants to take over 2 political papers and co-funded a supposed news channel to, errrrr, influence politics.

You‘re losing it, mate, if you think that this isn’t politics.

If I posted video on video from Twitter(X) on here about Islamic extremism it would be removed not discussed.

You could merge maybe 10 threads on the first page alone, lots of those threads point to Tories being Nazis and anyone who votes for them are Nazis too, it's not discourse it's an embarrassment.

Politics should be discussed, there is little to no discussion on here about politics, there will be no view other than the groupthink and you wonder why it's not taken seriously?
Did you sign up for the 24/7 mega package or just the rummage through Twitter (X) messages sent through a dodgy whatsapp group?

It's only people who don't like it and want it shut that's keeping their lights on, nobody else watches it other than people in berets and dodgy combat jackets covered in pin badges.

Well, today it was the Guardian. You can stick your head in the sand all you like - whilst ironically bemoaning the shallowness of politics - but I’m all for fighting to stop the very things you decry.

GB News is currently facing 13 Ofcom investigations relating to allegations of a lack of impartiality and fairness, in several instances linked to shows hosted by Conservative MPs – many of them going back almost a year.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, who is paid about £350,000 a year by the broadcaster, plus Esther McVey, now a minister, and Philip Davies, a Tory backbencher, are among those with shows under scrutiny.

“Some of these cases are very old and you find yourself thinking: what are they waiting for?” said Purvis, the former ITN director general.’

Another day in the life of people who sit and watch GB news and froth, lots of disingenuous people on that channel, the presenters and the guest.

Comedy TV.
Do you think you're becoming a bit obsessed with putting the right wing counterargument across? I bet bluemoon at the last general election was fairly 50/50 voting Tory/labour. You might think that bluemoon is super left wing but could it be that the Tories have shifted so far to the right that you, Brewster, blueinsa etc are the only stragglers left?
If I posted video on video from Twitter(X) on here about Islamic extremism it would be removed not discussed.

You could merge maybe 10 threads on the first page alone, lots of those threads point to Tories being Nazis and anyone who votes for them are Nazis too, it's not discourse it's an embarrassment.

Politics should be discussed, there is little to no discussion on here about politics, there will be no view other than the groupthink and you wonder why it's not taken seriously?
It looks more that it is you looking for those statements rather than it being a major part of the conversation/debate. In fact, I’d say those types of comment are of little value and discarded by the majority of readers.

Politics is a multitude of things, not just policies, and I’d say that we are so far past that point that the only talk now is about the deep discontent with regard to how the country has been run.
Do you think you're becoming a bit obsessed with putting the right wing counterargument across? I bet bluemoon at the last general election was fairly 50/50 voting Tory/labour. You might think that bluemoon is super left wing but could it be that the Tories have shifted so far to the right that you, Brewster, blueinsa etc are the only stragglers left?

I am not putting a right wing counter argument across, in fact you have just labelled other posters as right wing just because they don't agree with you.

BTW Labour are the Tories in disguise, and to prove that head off to the Labour thread where far left posters are attacking moderate Labour voters.

Nothing is ever good enough, not even ice cubes with British flags on them.
Not much about this in the mainstream media, is it because the **** wants to own more of it?

Amazing how the media only tell us what they want us to hear.

Funny thing is Andrew Neil is doing the rounds saying that the Saudi's( or Qataris can recall which ) shouldn't be allowed to buy the Mail and the Spectator (where he is ) as he says without irony the press should not be state owned. His personal preference would be Paul Marshall so Neil steers well clear of any of these alegations
Funny thing is Andrew Neil is doing the rounds saying that the Saudi's( or Qataris can recall which ) shouldn't be allowed to buy the Mail and the Spectator (where he is ) as he says without irony the press should not be state owned. His personal preference would be Paul Marshall so Neil steers well clear of any of these alegations
I seen the Neil interview and he was incandescent that a foreign power could take control of the Spectator and the Telegraph. All the usual tropes but what I though was interesting was that the interview was with Sky News, who allowed him to lay into the UAE, not mentioning that it‘s happened with many other media outlets.

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