General gaming thread


Well-Known Member
30 May 2011
Neither here nor there!
So what games have i missed of the fps genre that i may have missed or would anyone recommend ?
I have played all the cod and battlefield games but beyond that not very much if i'm honest.
I do buy the games i dl and like so if anyone has any good ideas i will give them a whirl.

p.s. Mortal.Kombat.Komplete.Edition-FLT is out :)
Get defiance pal the only problem is all the patches they take ages but the game never ends literally
Head right back in time and play socom when it first came out online, ah they were the days, for me shaped the market for the future in shoot ems
Bought Far Cry 3 last week and haven't stopped playing it. Great story/visuals and massive sandbox type game. It's brilliant and everything but nothing tops Bioshock Infinite for the experience shame it didn't come with multiplayer otherwise I would of kept it.
yatesy94 said:
Bought Far Cry 3 last week and haven't stopped playing it. Great story/visuals and massive sandbox type game. It's brilliant and everything but nothing tops Bioshock Infinite for the experience shame it didn't come with multiplayer otherwise I would of kept it.

I was a bit disappointed with Far Cry 3 tbh. I had the first one for the PC but this time I got the PS3 version and it was nowhere near as enjoyable as playing on the PC. I didn't even get a quarter way through before I was bored and I haven't been on it since. Cost a fucking fortune too.
Just finished Hitman Absolution for the PC and it was the bollocks.
syedorf said:
Get defiance pal the only problem is all the patches they take ages but the game never ends literally
THIS IS A CRACKING GAME!!!! i tend to die alot as i keep forgetting to upgrade and buy things, but defo one for the co-oppers...

dead island riptide is my fav game of the year though, for those that havnt seen it its on my youtube channel with featured gameplay

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