General Videogame Thread

Docking can be a pain at first. I had real problems, however practice on the docking tutorial for about an hour and you'll get used to it. Otherwise go to any major space station and buy a standard docking chip for 4500 credits. Once you install it fly to any other station, request docking and with about 2-3km to go slow down and the auto pilot will kick in and land you safely.

Also while in auto pilot it plays the classical song The Blue Danube by Strauss which is in the film 2001 A Space Odyssey which is pretty fucking cool!
Docking chip is an absolute must and was the first thing I invested in. It was very painful flying into a station, finding your dock amongst all the docks and then tediously trying to manouever around to land. Overall with elite I enjoyed it but was disappointed with the trading aspect, seemed so hard to make money.
Docking can be a pain at first. I had real problems, however practice on the docking tutorial for about an hour and you'll get used to it. Otherwise go to any major space station and buy a standard docking chip for 4500 credits. Once you install it fly to any other station, request docking and with about 2-3km to go slow down and the auto pilot will kick in and land you safely.

Also while in auto pilot it plays the classical song The Blue Danube by Strauss which is in the film 2001 A Space Odyssey which is pretty fucking cool!
Trouble I I can’t any bloody money I keep blowing up lol
Trouble I I can’t any bloody money I keep blowing up lol
Lol! Trick is to keep slow and take your time. You have 10 minutes from requesting to dock to landing which should be enough time. Make sure when you enter the station or port to deploy your landing gear or you cant land. Then when you get near to your landing pad a grid will appear on your ships console with a circle. The grid is the landing pad and the circle is your ship. The trick is to get the circle into the middle on the grid for a landing. Im on xbox and what I do next is click on the right stick which should be the same for ps4. That turns your thrusters on, so instead of you ship going forwards or backwards it will go up and down like a harrier jump jet. Just line up the circle near the middle of the grid lower your ship and so long as the beeping noise gets faster your pretty much in the right place your ship will dock. There are plenty videos on YouTube showing you this.

I would recommend starting a new game as you start with 1000 credits but you'll be able to get courier missions which will earn you about 10000-20000 credits. Make sure the mission you pick is sending you to a space station NOT an outpost try to land then purchase the docking computer and you wont have to worry about landing again!
Docking chip is an absolute must and was the first thing I invested in. It was very painful flying into a station, finding your dock amongst all the docks and then tediously trying to manouever around to land. Overall with elite I enjoyed it but was disappointed with the trading aspect, seemed so hard to make money.
On your map there is a filter for trading routes which shows you which colony's need what. Thats really useful. Or this website is excellent for trade routes and other stuff.

I currently have 2 ships. A larkon carrier for trading. Its absolutely huge and it can only go to certain space stations but I can easily make between 250000-500000 per run. I also have an Asp Explorer as I absolutely love just going out into soace and exploring. You can also make good money selling planet data. My aim is to get to Sagittarius A which is the center on the milky way but its about 40000 light years away from where I am! If I run out of fuel im fucked!
Elite dangerous is the bain if my life like you I waited for the PS4 version but I can’t dock the thing to save my life, done it a few times more luck than anything and gave up, it’s not exactly noob friendly, I know people get HOTAS but I just can’t be bothered if I’m honest.
It's funny because one of the things people told me about the game before I played it was how hard the docking was, yet I've had no problems with it at all! It took me a while to work out that there's a trick knowing which direction to approach the pad, but in terms of manoeuvring I've not had an issue - and I think that's down to having the HOTAS. Aside from the whole immersion aspect, it does make flying a lot easier.

I also have an Asp Explorer as I absolutely love just going out into soace and exploring. You can also make good money selling planet data.My aim is to get to Sagittarius A which is the center on the milky way but its about 40000 light years away from where I am! If I run out of fuel im fucked!
You have the best ship for it. I did Sag.A and back in less that 1200 jumps, probably in 8 hours total I reckon (playing an hour or two a night for about a week). My tips for doing it are:

1) Engineer the FSD to Grade 5 - the most important step and worth the effort! I got a 52 LY range out of mine,
2) Install modules, like sensors and power plants, as D-Grade versions, as these help reduce mass and thus increase jump rang
3) Install two heat sink launchers in your Utility slots, giving you 6 heat sinks in total - vital if you ever get sloppy and fall too close to a star. I'd also fit an Auto-Repair module, just in case your fry any critical modules (and make sure to stock it with 'ammo' before you leave'.
4) Fit the best Fuel Scoop you can; in the AspEx, I put in a 6B in the top slot. It makes things so much quicker - you fill up your fuel by the time your FSD has recharged. And only the lowest class D-grade shield generator, you don't need a good one
5) Get an Advanced System Scanner and a Detailed Surface Scanner; whenever you drop out of hyperspace, scan as you scoop. Doing this 1200 times gives you a lot of explorer data to sell when you get back!
6) In your galaxy map, filter star types to only show types K G B F O A M. Then plot your routes about 5,000 LY at a time. That way, you will only jump to stars that you can scoop, so you won't have to worry about running out of fuel.
Playing Arms at the moment. Cracking game. In between that it’s Far Cry 5 on Xbox One X. Probably better than 3 for me.
On your map there is a filter for trading routes which shows you which colony's need what. Thats really useful. Or this website is excellent for trade routes and other stuff.

I currently have 2 ships. A larkon carrier for trading. Its absolutely huge and it can only go to certain space stations but I can easily make between 250000-500000 per run. I also have an Asp Explorer as I absolutely love just going out into soace and exploring. You can also make good money selling planet data. My aim is to get to Sagittarius A which is the center on the milky way but its about 40000 light years away from where I am! If I run out of fuel im fucked!
You must have a lot of time on your hands and patience to get to sag A. I’ve been playing it on and off since it came out on Xbox, have had pretty much all of the ships fully engineered but never been to sag A. The trip to Colonia was enough for me.
I have both PS4 and XBO and I have to agree with you about the exclusives. My XBO is now a gloried TV stream box - other than three or four exclusives, there's really no reason to own one if you already own a PS4 (which does have a fair few decent exclusives.

So far I think that this generation has been pretty disappointing. Every other games seems to be a remake, there's the whole loot-box crap, you now have to pay to play PlayStation online and there just seems to be a real lack of original and compelling games titles. There was good reason to own all the consoles in the last generation because of the variety of games and the many exclusives, but I don't feel that with this generation.
I have high hopes for Detroit, let's see one more day to go.
God of war is a fantastic reboot.
Also really excited for Spiderman as its from my favourite developer - which reminds me, sunset was pretty decent and fresh, probably among the best on this generation xbox.

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