Well-Known Member
Anyone know where I can get a Xbox1 pad cheaply ?
I was, but finding people to do Raids and Strikes with was such a pain that I gave up (no proper matchmaking facility, and none of my mates have the game).Any Destiny players on here for PS4?
About 30 hours.
It's. It a massive game by any stretch but I kinda think nowadays games are dragged out far too long.
It's left me with a nice warm feeling as opposed to the likes of Metal Gear which after 100 hours I just want the damned thing finished.
It's great, but it is brutal. Bad decisions building your base early on can come back to bite you hours later so it has a serious learning curve, even for people like me who played the original to death. I had to restart my campaign three times to get the right order of things. Just finished it myself but I'm starting again straight away on hardJust started Xcom 2 on the Xbox one. Loving it so so far but it's absolutely brutal especially as I've never played an Xcom game before