General Wrestling Thread

Nope, just not buying into the saddos who wank over guys just because they were in NJPW or whatever. He's got zero character because he's done zero promos because he speaks zero Engrish. Oh, apart from pointing towards his crotch and shouting 'CAM ANNN' - which is about 20 years too late.


It is boring. Great wrestlers from the past have been all been the most entertaining on the microphone. All the top wrestlers now are boring as fuck, don’t know how to entertain.
Nope, just not buying into the saddos who wank over guys just because they were in NJPW or whatever. He's got zero character because he's done zero promos because he speaks zero Engrish. Oh, apart from pointing towards his crotch and shouting 'CAM ANNN' - which is about 20 years too late.


Out of everything I've heard or read said about Nakamura in the past, "he has zero character" is probably the most outlandish.
Out of everything I've heard or read said about Nakamura in the past, "he has zero character" is probably the most outlandish.
God knows how he copes with Finn Balor, whose current character is only differentiated by the fact that sometimes he wears a jacket, and other teams he wears face paint. Or Styles, who used to have pyro and now he doesn't, or Mahal who used to look normal, and his massive push basically consisted of looking like Test, being given little people and having a CGI red carpet in his entrance. Let's not forget Seth Rollins, who actually used to have a character but now his huge personality development is having "burn it down" screamed in his shitty entrance music, and Dean Ambrose's character development was so detailed I think he's forgotten who he is.

And Booby Roode is glorious and dresses as the Nature Boy. Methinks it's not the wrestlers.
It is boring. Great wrestlers from the past have been all been the most entertaining on the microphone. All the top wrestlers now are boring as fuck, don’t know how to entertain.

I can't remember the last great promo I saw, it's been that long. Finn was decent at some point, but now they flank him with the rest of the Bullet Club who just shout 'NERRRRRDDDD' - shite. Reigns can't cut a promo for shit. Cena smirks his way through and then films another movie.

Best 2 on the mic for me at present are Miz and KO.
I can't remember the last great promo I saw, it's been that long. Finn was decent at some point, but now they flank him with the rest of the Bullet Club who just shout 'NERRRRRDDDD' - shite. Reigns can't cut a promo for shit. Cena smirks his way through and then films another movie.

Best 2 on the mic for me at present are Miz and KO.

I would add in the Uso's, New Day (especially Big E) and AJ to that "good mic" list.

Nakamura has character. Lots of it. It's just WWE seems to have fuck all idea what to do with wrestlers if they lack the mic skill due to language difficulties these days. Wrestling used to be a combination of mic and ring work. Every performer had a back story or at least some sort of direction and if you were shit on the mic it didn't matter too much as the story was there but most of today's lot seem to be aimless. Undertaker, Kane etc etc had average at best mic skills but their back story was so good that they didn't need it.

Far too many made up tag team matches as well. The tag division seems to be a place to put people when you have no idea what to do with them.

Wyatt has a back story. The rest? Balor is supposed to have a demon but we never see it any more. At least they are trying with Matt Hardy. Loses his tag team partner? No problem. Woken. Borash allegedly joining should mean the Broken/ Woken angle being ramped up. The Shield become 2 due to Dean's injury? Rollins gets dumped with golden bollocks and Reigns fights with Miz over and over whilst they try to get him over and over.

And then we have the Bludgeon Brothers. There was no need to build them up, pitting then against the fall guys like this week, as we all know who they are. A back story would have been a place to start though. But no. Chuck them in with 2 no hopers. Rinse and repeat. It's depressing.

I have no idea why I watch it every week.
And then we have the Bludgeon Brothers. There was no need to build them up, pitting then against the fall guys like this week, as we all know who they are. A back story would have been a place to start though. But no. Chuck them in with 2 no hopers. Rinse and repeat. It's depressing.

I have no idea why I watch it every week.

You've hit a nail on its head that I think about all the time. The booking to make people look strong.

Uso's have the division 'on lock' so they can't be beaten or look weak, but the BB should be getting a shot after having ripped through everyone else. No sign really of these teams even being on the same path.

Same goes for the Raw women - Asuka, unbeatable, unbeaten, Nia Jax - immovable, yet cowardly heel Bliss faces neither of these, no sign of a feud anywhere. Add the no doubt unbeatable Rousey and we have a recipe for....stalemate? Bliss will job at some point, but all the rest can't remain unbeaten, it doesn't work!
The Jason Jordan shackle lifted from Seth Rollins for one week, and he goes over more than he has done in a year.

He needs to be at the top.

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