George Galloway | Wins Rochdale Bi-Election (p4)

Well, if you are equating Blair’s right wing gov as a Labour Party, you too have a point. He had Murdoch in his corner. Labour my arse. SuperBroon deregulated the financial markets that led to the economic crash. Took us into a war based on lies. I am more of a Tory than the scum are Labour.

We’re not going to agree and I can’t be arsed getting into an argument so let’s just leave it there.
Of course he will. And in four years, Labour will be in the same position, as the never ending need to bend the knee to their Tory superiors will cone to the fore and we will have another decade of those bastards. It never changes. Obviously it’s not all of England, but enough.
You should blame the electoral system more than the electorate.
At last GE Lib Dems got 11.6% of the UK vote. SNP got 3.9%.
Lib Dems 11 seats, SNP 48.
Our FPTP system is electorally and morally corrupt.
I burst out laughing when I heard he won. As a hater of the red Tories under the MI5 plant, I love it. Never in my life have I seen the Labour Party discard its soul in such a disgusting way as it has now. My problem isn’t Galloway. My problem is with the utter cunts within the Party who signed up to Starmer the Tory Bastard’s Tory strategy. Fucking cowards.

And let’s get real, Labour will be in for one term, then England will tug its forelock, take the knees say a few, god bless you guvnor, you know best my posh overlord, thank you very much sir and vote the Tories back in.

Working class Tories. They are up there with Trump fans. Fucking thick as fuck.

Mon George, go tonto.
Man after me own heart
The public has really had enough of the traditional parties if George fucking Galloway is winning by elections in 2024.
It’s as simple as that. Say the right things to the right people and jobs a good’un.
If it's that simple I'm going to stand as an independent in Nottingham South and my manifesto is the right to produce and sell Cannabis as a tax free side hustle and reduce energy bills by encouraging stealing Leccy from lamposts.

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