Darco said:
After Fulham's equaliser on Saturday i felt the negative atmosphere creeping back into the ground. The same negative atmosphere that has caused many past city teams, and this one, to under perform. I am sick of moans and abuse we give our players when they are not doin so well. It makes them play worse and you could see towards the end of the game Toure and Lescott were nervous wrecks because of the pressure the so called fans put them under. Other fans get behind their teams when they are under performining and it spurs them on and makes them play better. This is one of the main reasons we have underperformed and won fuck all for years. It has to stop or we will never win anything.
We are supporters so support the team at all times!!!

I totally 100% agree mate, I am sick of reading from our fans that they earn £xxxxxx's so they should be able to deal with !!! They still fart p*ss and sh*t like the rest of us !! They are only human for f*cks sake so of course a negative vibe is going to affect the way the team play.

If we the fans can’t make an impact to the team on the pitch , explain to me why before last week Stoke couldn’t buy a win away but are not far short of unbeatable at home, similarly with Burnley this season

Explain how conversely Bolton who’s fans continually get on the back of Megson are bobbins at home and much better away.

Explain why manager after manager always comments after a big home win or giant killing cup victory about how magnificent the fans were.

Explain how after 4 defeats Liverpool go into a game at their lowest ebb playing their biggest game of the season and win in front of what can only be described as fervent and passionate home support.

It’s not just helping the team on the pitch it’s also about making us an attractive proposition for top players to join us. It helps the board ‘sell’ the club to prospective signings, conversely a negative atmosphere can have completely the opposite effect – would you want to join a club where if you get off to a bad start your career could be destroyed ?

Those fans that are quick to criticise the players always seem to think that we 'the fans' are beyond reproach. Well, the truth is our fans were sh*te against Fulham, we appeared completely indifferent about the result until Fulham equalized when suddenly the crowd seemed bothered but became overly critical. That’s the time when us 'the fans' should come into our own and raise the roof. It seems that some fans are never happy unless they are being negative - its almost as if being negataive is in their DNA – it was probably their motivation for supporting City - a place where they would have ample opportunity to vent their spleen and shout their bile instead of taking it out on the wife.

I always say that when I played, my dad was my biggest supporter but always my biggest critic. It used to p*ss me off that when he watched I never played well. I soon realised it was because I was thinking more about the negative reaction of my dad to a misplaced pass or fluffed shot than just playing my natural game so I couldn't play without inhibition and therefore never played my best.

It really pisses me off when I continually hear chants for players sat on the subs bench when things aren't going our way just to demoralise the players out on the pitch even further, how we lauded an ex player far more than the one we just signed, wtf is up with us ? Why can't we just support the 11 players in a blue shirt out on the pitch ? We all want the team to win and the evidence is clear that supporting the players is far more likely to help the outcome we want so why are some fans incapable of doing it ?

I may get some criticism for this post but quite frankly I don’t care - some fans need to be told some home truths and need to take a long hard look in the mirror instead of making pathetic excuses to justify getting on the players backs. IMO there is no excuse.

This is the most exciting opportunity we have ever had. Our development as a team in just 12 months has been phenomenal and yet some fans are still not happy. I sometimes question what would need to happen for some fans to appreciate the opportunity we have been given and the wonderful players we now have at our great club.
No it is not my first game because i have seen this happen at plenty of home games under plenty of different managers and it has to stop.

As for the massive wages compensating for the nerves, i disagree because no matter how much you are getting paid you can still feel the pressure and become nervous as it is human nature.

So can all the impatient, moaning so called fans shut the fuck up
Blue Mooner said:
Darco said:
After Fulham's equaliser on Saturday i felt the negative atmosphere creeping back into the ground. The same negative atmosphere that has caused many past city teams, and this one, to under perform. I am sick of moans and abuse we give our players when they are not doin so well. It makes them play worse and you could see towards the end of the game Toure and Lescott were nervous wrecks because of the pressure the so called fans put them under. Other fans get behind their teams when they are under performining and it spurs them on and makes them play better. This is one of the main reasons we have underperformed and won fuck all for years. It has to stop or we will never win anything.
We are supporters so support the team at all times!!!

I totally 100% agree mate, I am sick of reading from our fans that they earn £xxxxxx's so they should be able to deal with !!! They still fart p*ss and sh*t like the rest of us !! They are only human for f*cks sake so of course a negative vibe is going to affect the way the team play.

If we the fans can’t make an impact to the team on the pitch , explain to me why before last week Stoke couldn’t buy a win away but are not far short of unbeatable at home, similarly with Burnley this season

Explain how conversely Bolton who’s fans continually get on the back of Megson are bobbins at home and much better away.

Explain why manager after manager always comments after a big home win or giant killing cup victory about how magnificent the fans were.

Explain how after 4 defeats Liverpool go into a game at their lowest ebb playing their biggest game of the season and win in front of what can only be described as fervent and passionate home support.

It’s not just helping the team on the pitch it’s also about making us an attractive proposition for top players to join us. It helps the board ‘sell’ the club to prospective signings, conversely a negative atmosphere can have completely the opposite effect – would you want to join a club where if you get off to a bad start your career could be destroyed ?

Those fans that are quick to criticise the players always seem to think that we 'the fans' are beyond reproach. Well, the truth is our fans were sh*te against Fulham, we appeared completely indifferent about the result until Fulham equalized when suddenly the crowd seemed bothered but became overly critical. That’s the time when us 'the fans' should come into our own and raise the roof. It seems that some fans are never happy unless they are being negative - its almost as if being negataive is in their DNA – it was probably their motivation for supporting City - a place where they would have ample opportunity to vent their spleen and shout their bile instead of taking it out on the wife.

I always say that when I played, my dad was my biggest supporter but always my biggest critic. It used to p*ss me off that when he watched I never played well. I soon realised it was because I was thinking more about the negative reaction of my dad to a misplaced pass or fluffed shot than just playing my natural game so I couldn't play without inhibition and therefore never played my best.

It really pisses me off when I continually hear chants for players sat on the subs bench when things aren't going our way just to demoralise the players out on the pitch even further, how we lauded an ex player far more than the one we just signed, wtf is up with us ? Why can't we just support the 11 players in a blue shirt out on the pitch ? We all want the team to win and the evidence is clear that supporting the players is far more likely to help the outcome we want so why are some fans incapable of doing it ?

I may get some criticism for this post but quite frankly I don’t care - some fans need to be told some home truths and need to take a long hard look in the mirror instead of making pathetic excuses to justify getting on the players backs. IMO there is no excuse.

This is the most exciting opportunity we have ever had. Our development as a team in just 12 months has been phenomenal and yet some fans are still not happy. I sometimes question what would need to happen for some fans to appreciate the opportunity we have been given and the wonderful players we now have at our great club.

Christ if that Robbie plays I wouldt like to heard the crowds reaction if a pass fails....all Hell will let loose, but we do have to chang a bit as you said
Damocles said:
We have won fuck all for years because we have had shit teams.

If you would have thought even the slightest, you should recall hundreds or thousands of times that we have been shit or been getting beat, and we have spurred the team on.

Or was it your first game?

Oh FFS damocles ...

You and I both know that we have a SHYTE atmos at City due to the THOUSANDs of depressive blanket and thermos types that support us.

I have never been able to argue with other prem fans about our support cos , aprat from those dedicated souls who do BM and go to away matches, do the ss thaing etc IT IS CRAP !!"!!!

The ony time that I 've experienced a galvanisation of City support when we've gobne a goal down recently was in the FA youth cup final a year or so ago.

I wish to god I could boast about our atmos ....but with decades of underachievement and the eternal comparisons with the Scum .. we seem to have developed a taciturn pessimitic vibe that would make a north yorkshire farmers' mart seem like the Woodstock festival...
you are 100% right. At the fullham game there were waaaaay too many pussys losing there fucking rag straight away, ffs why cheer when they score if your support isnt even helping towards it. SUPPORT YOUR f'in tem, or get a life and stop moaning
It wasn't the equaliser that pissed me off, but the 4 goals they should have scored before that and also the shite long ball Blackburnesque lack of tactics that Hughes employed for most of the second half. Ah well Mrs Ed is recovering well, and with tickets purchased only yesterday, we will be both there against Burnley.
This is the most exciting opportunity we have ever had. Our development as a team in just 12 months has been phenomenal and yet some fans are still not happy.

thats because we still cant beat Wigan or Fulham
We have no right to be pissed off after paying to watch them piss it up after going 2-0 up.

Booing I can understand and I disagree with it too but that was at 90mins not after we fucked up
If we can't dump a club like Scunthorpe , who are 16th in the Championship , and have lost five of their seven away games , out of this trophy , with whichever team we put out .... we want to give it up and take up building sandcastles in Abu Dhabi!

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