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Well-Known Member
17 Sep 2005
Hey guys, I'm twenty-eight and a half, seventy-six stone and lead such a sad life that I prefer to spend my summer on a keyboard rather than out in the sun, amongst real human beings. Obviously, all of this time deliberating before a computer screen has made me into quite an astute and shrewd football judge. So, exclusively for you guys, I promise that I'm going to post my best City line up for next year on this board... really, really soon.
I promise that you'll all be amazed and want to print it off and hang it on your wall just in case you ever, ever forget it. Naturally, I'll be using every player that we've ever been linked with, like ever! And probably you'll all be gob-smacked by my inovative 1-3-1-2-3 system but don't be. You see, I have already emailed Mark Hughes and the rest of the club hierarchy, insisting that they at least consider it.
I'd post it immediately but, you see, I want to get it just right. Tonight, I'll be photo-shopping the player's heads onto the VERY SAME button board that Andy Gray uses when he's talking bollox to Richard Keyes on a Sunday night. Also, I'm hoping to be able to include in-depth analysis of each player's ideal diet - or at least, what I feel they should be eating (Dunney, cut out those burgers!).
I know that you are all already soiling your underpants with the over-excitement of this news, so that's all that I'm going to say for now.

Or in other words... am I the only grumpy git who thinks it's a tad pointless when people post their opinion of what next season's first team could/should/would/might look like - especially, when half the players included aren't even at the club?
mad4city said:
Or in other words... am I the only grumpy git who thinks it's a tad pointless when people post their opinion of what next season's first team could/should/would/might look like - especially, when half the players included aren't even at the club?

To be honest, I don't care too much for the myriad of ideas on formations, positions for players current and future signings etc etc. Mind you that's just me and this is a forum to discuss all things when I see a formation thread, I ignore it!
I now fully expect you to complete the top part of your post throughout this thread please, that is about the most intersting proposition I have come across recently.

Thanks in anticipation,
Yeah, that'll happen, Nixon mate.
Soon as I'm twenty eight again and get my weight down to seventy-odd stone, I'll get right on it!
mad4city said:
Hey guys, I'm twenty-eight and a half, seventy-six stone and lead such a sad life that I prefer to spend my summer on a keyboard rather than out in the sun, amongst real human beings. Obviously, all of this time deliberating before a computer screen has made me into quite an astute and shrewd football judge. So, exclusively for you guys, I promise that I'm going to post my best City line up for next year on this board... really, really soon.
I promise that you'll all be amazed and want to print it off and hang it on your wall just in case you ever, ever forget it. Naturally, I'll be using every player that we've ever been linked with, like ever! And probably you'll all be gob-smacked by my inovative 1-3-1-2-3 system but don't be. You see, I have already emailed Mark Hughes and the rest of the club hierarchy, insisting that they at least consider it.
I'd post it immediately but, you see, I want to get it just right. Tonight, I'll be photo-shopping the player's heads onto the VERY SAME button board that Andy Gray uses when he's talking bollox to Richard Keyes on a Sunday night. Also, I'm hoping to be able to include in-depth analysis of each player's ideal diet - or at least, what I feel they should be eating (Dunney, cut out those burgers!).
I know that you are all already soiling your underpants with the over-excitement of this news, so that's all that I'm going to say for now.

Or in other words... am I the only grumpy git who thinks it's a tad pointless when people post their opinion of what next season's first team could/should/would/might look like - especially, when half the players included aren't even at the club?

Thanks for your honesty.
I'm 40 years old, 12 stone, have to work my bollox off selling furniture every day to earn a living, and I hate human beings.

Can we swap lives please?
wrongun73 said:

what d'you think? ;]

not bad ..... FATTY

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