Getting out of the rat race.


Well-Known Member
23 Dec 2009
Fortunately I am retired but:-

If I was twenty all over again the thought of being stuck in the rat race all my working life would fill me with dread, so has anybody escaped the race without having a large inheritance or winning the lottery?

Maybe living in a motorhome or canal boat for example?
Fortunately I am retired but:-

If I was twenty all over again the thought of being stuck in the rat race all my working life would fill me with dread, so has anybody escaped the race without having a large inheritance or winning the lottery?

Maybe living in a motorhome or canal boat for example?
Getting there. Will be sailing off into the sunset if all goes to plan in the next 18 months and all you lucky folk who have me on ignore can breathe easily again… :-)
I have been lucky not to get stuck in a job I've not liked. Strangely things have gone in a four year cycle for me. If I don't like work/relationships they normally end . That's been my usual routine but only because I didn't have a mortgage or a child until I was nearly forty. I left a tax free very well paid job fourteen years ago . I knew at the time I would probably never earn the same money ever again. And I haven't, but I don't regret it one bit . I did it for four years and that was enough.
I'm hoping to in the next 5 years. I'll be off this site by the end of the season too, it's gone to the pits...
Rats are faster than you think. Don’t bet money on yourself.

I know that now.
Fortunately I am retired but:-

If I was twenty all over again the thought of being stuck in the rat race all my working life would fill me with dread, so has anybody escaped the race without having a large inheritance or winning the lottery?

Maybe living in a motorhome or canal boat for example?
Health is an issue, even more than finance.
I was in a stressful job. Although I thought I was managing it well, it wasn't until I quit that I realized that perhaps I wasn't.

That was at 63 and although I don't have money to burn, I'm OK.

Absolutely no regrets about getting out of the rat race, but then I suppose I had been sensible and was in a position to be able to make that choice. In hindsight, had I been more sensible, then I could have done it earlier.

The funny thing is, the job I left was the only job in the whole of my working career that I actually liked and had a passion for!!!!

The job was great, it was all the illogical Corporate interference that finished it...........for me and for others. Now there's no business at all.

Although I liked the actual job, this new job of retirement is brilliant, simply love it!!

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