Given to Spurs

Plain Speaking

Well-Known Member
12 Dec 2010
Reported in the times and also on the Official City website under "what the media says" <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -for-Tevez</a>
Gary Jacobs is saying we are prepared to sell Shay to Spurs:
Redknapp is more likely to try to sign Shay Given after he was told Manchester City will do business with their rivals.”
I can only think this is as part of a player exchange to get Bale or Modric?
You can ONLY think that??

How about a truly shocking transfer of just Shay given moving to tottenham?
I wouldn't read too much into the fact it's in the "What the media says" part of the website, that doesn't give it any credibility. However, I'd only be happy if it was part of a player exchange, i.e. we get Bale or Modric, and I'd be happier with the latter.

I don't rate Given that highly, he's a great shot stopper but he's reasonably poor at dealing with balls into the box, whether they be corners, crosses or long balls, and I think that's one of the most important parts of a Premier League goalkeeper's game.
shay wants to play so is very likely to leave.

i think during the last couple of transfer windows, City were very focussed on just getting in the top 4 and would do anything to stop strengthening any rivals, hence i dont believe there was any chance of e.g. Given or Bellamy going to Spurs, rather us loan out abroad or to championship teams.

i think this window could be different. it seems we do want to get rid of players who are not in the plans and we want to generate some cash to help with the fair play rules so if Spurs do this time want to pay for Given or Bellamy or Ade (as has been reported) then i think we will let them go
Not bothered where he goes. He is a decent keeper but Hart has proven to most definitely be our number 1. Hopefully as others have suggested it would be a part exchange with someone like Modric.
Godfather said:
You can ONLY think that??

How about a truly shocking transfer of just Shay given moving to tottenham?
Sorry not 100% sure what you are getting at?
From our recent club policy we do not sell to rival clubs. The only exceptional circumstance may be if the rival club had a much bigger asset that we wanted to prize away, hence I mention Bale or Modric.
Personally I have a theory that the Goalkeeper is the single most important position on the field. Top goalkeepers can transform a side and their value is tremendously under rated. I also think Given is one of the top 3 PL goalkeepers.
However I would like to think Mancini and team knows what they're doing?
Tevez City said:
How about Given+Bellamy+Adebayor = Modric ?

I would be delighted with this deal. Takes a huge amount of wages off the books and gives us a top class midfielder!
Plain Speaking said:
Godfather said:
You can ONLY think that??

How about a truly shocking transfer of just Shay given moving to tottenham?
Sorry not 100% sure what you are getting at?
From our recent club policy we do not sell to rival clubs. The only exceptional circumstance may be if the rival club had a much bigger asset that we wanted to prize away, hence I mention Bale or Modric.
Personally I have a theory that the Goalkeeper is the single most important position on the field. Top goalkeepers can transform a side and their value is tremendously under rated. I also think Given is one of the top 3 PL goalkeepers.
However I would like to think Mancini and team knows what they're doing?

I understand it's easy to put two and two together, they have players we would like, and they like bellamy and given, but how often to player plus cash deals actually happen?

What I was getting at is it is far more likely given will move there as a simple transfer.

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