Global Warming

smudgedj said:
twinkletoes said:
The hole in the Earth's ozone layer has shielded Antarctica from the worst effects of global warming until now, according to the most comprehensive review to date of the state of the Antarctic climate. But scientists warned that as the hole closes up in the next few decades, temperatures on the continent could rise by around 3C on average, with melting ice contributing to a global sea-level increases of up to 1.4m

"Everything is connected — Antarctica may be a long way away but it is an important part of the Earth's system," said Colin Summerhayes, executive director of SCAR. "It contains 90% of the world's ice, 70% of the world's fresh water and that is enough, if it melts, to raise sea levels by 63m."


So is it 1.4m or 63m? Either way I feel quite safe living in my valley at 2,574 m (8,445 ft) above sea level.

How did you end up in Bolivia? I have a few friends visiting there in the Summer for about 6 weeks on an Expedition from my Uni (providing their fundraising goes well), don't know which bit they're going to, but it's a conservation/research trip, i think in some plains somewhere, i didn't get to go :-(
pee dubya said:
smudgedj said:
So is it 1.4m or 63m? Either way I feel quite safe living in my valley at 2,574 m (8,445 ft) above sea level.

How did you end up in Bolivia? I have a few friends visiting there in the Summer for about 6 weeks on an Expedition from my Uni (providing their fundraising goes well), don't know which bit they're going to, but it's a conservation/research trip, i think in some plains somewhere, i didn't get to go :-(

I'll PM you.... don't want to thread fuck!
Global Warming....another reason to tax people to death!

The world has gone through cold and hot periods since day one!

Or was it those dastardly dinosaurs in their 4x4's and their deoderants that caused it?
LONDON (Reuters) - Global average land temperatures have been rising since 1850 and the warming has speeded up since 1970, UK Meteorological Office data released on Tuesday shows.

The data comes from over 1,500 weather stations around the world used for climate monitoring. It shows rapid global warming since the 1970s, with each decade getting progressively warmer.

The Met Office Hadley Centre has published the data to boost transparency and underpin evidence that the world is warming.

Climate change sceptics have seized on a series of leaked emails from the University of East Anglia, accusing climate experts of colluding to suppress others' data and enhance their own.

"The University of East Anglia fully supports the Met Office in making this data publicly available," the Met Office said in a statement.

The Met Office intends to publish the remaining records from around 5,000 stations when it has approval from data owners to put together the temperature record.

Negotiations between 190 countries on a new deal to fight climate change beyond 2012 began in Copenhagen on Monday.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
not arsed about my grandkids future im a selfish **** and will drive a big range rover when i get the chance haha
twinkletoes said:
LONDON (Reuters) - Global average land temperatures have been rising since 1850 and the warming has speeded up since 1970, UK Meteorological Office data released on Tuesday shows.

I.e. The temperatures in cities has been rising since we invented central heating and insulation. The warming has been speeded up as household electricals such as TVs, and computers became more common.

I'm shocked.
Damocles said:
twinkletoes said:
LONDON (Reuters) - Global average land temperatures have been rising since 1850 and the warming has speeded up since 1970, UK Meteorological Office data released on Tuesday shows.

I.e. The temperatures in cities has been rising since we invented central heating and insulation. The warming has been speeded up as household electricals such as TVs, and computers became more common.

I'm shocked.

Have you got any data to back your claim?
Here's why Nick Griffin is a global warming denier.

Climate change stands to drive as many as one billion people from their homes over the next four decades, the International Organization for Migration said in a study Tuesday.

The IOM report, launched on the second day of international climate talks in Copenhagen, estimated 20 million people were made homeless last year by sudden-onset environmental disasters that are set to amplify as global warming increases.

But it found that few of the "climate refugees" are able to leave their countries, lacking the means and the ability to travel to wealthier places.

Instead, the report found the displaced people were moving in droves to already-crowded cities -- putting extra pressure on the poorer countries at highest risk from environmental stress and degradation associated with climatic shifts.

"Aside from the immediate flight in the face of disaster, migration may not be an option for the poorest and most vulnerable groups," it said.

"In general, countries expect to manage environmental migration internally, with the exception of small island states that in some cases have already led to islands disappearing under water, forcing international migration."

The IOM cited a wide range of projections for numbers of people likely to be displaced. "Estimates have suggested that between 25 million to 1 billion people could be displaced by climate change over the next 40 years," the report said. However, it noted that the lowest projection was dated.

The number of natural disasters has more than doubled in the past 20 years, and the IOM said desertification, water pollution and other strains would make even more of the planet uninhabitable as greenhouse gases keep building up.

"Further climate change, with global temperatures expected to rise between 2 and 5 degrees centigrade by the end of this century, could have a major impact on the movement of people," the report supported by the Rockefeller Foundation said.

It also identified "future hotspots" where large numbers of people are expected to flee as a result of environmental and climate pressures. These include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, most of central America, and parts of west Africa and southeast Asia.

The IOM conclusions compound concerns expressed this week by U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, who said half of the world's refugees are now living in cities where xenophobic tensions are on the rise.

Guterres warned that cities such as Kabul, Bogota, Abidjan and Damascus were struggling to absorb the new arrivals who have driven up costs of food and accommodation and made it harder for local people to scrape by.

The resultant pressure "can create tensions between local and refugee populations, and in worst cases, can fuel xenophobia with catastrophic results," he said.
twinkletoes said:
Damocles said:
I.e. The temperatures in cities has been rising since we invented central heating and insulation. The warming has been speeded up as household electricals such as TVs, and computers became more common.

I'm shocked.

Have you got any data to back your claim?

Look up Urban Heat Islands, and you will get the picture.

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