Global Warming

Damocles said:
Rascal said:
I think the answer is, nobody knows for sure what is happening.Nobody on either side of the debate can offer comprehensive proof either way.

This just isn't true. It is happening, as even Gelson's Dad will admit. There's not a single credible climate scientist out there that suggests anything else.

I would agree with you, i just dont have the knowledge of it to expand further. I think climate change deniers are generally right wing crackpots who think by admitting it happens it will affect the free market.

But i think my point is that the climate change lobby have yet to deliver a comprehensive study that the "man on the street" can understand meaning there findings are not given a proper platform.
Damocles said:
rickmcfc said:
Global Warming does not exist, Climate Charge however does, and its a natural cycle that has hapenned since earth began. Man is probably adding the the effect, the the effect is that small is not even worth mentioning.

And these people are the ones doing it.

just kill more whales.
Damocles said:
rickmcfc said:
Global Warming does not exist, Climate Charge however does, and its a natural cycle that has hapenned since earth began. Man is probably adding the the effect, the the effect is that small is not even worth mentioning.

And these people are the ones doing it.

Well i'm sorry Damocles but there's not enough evidence to suggest it's man made and a lot of people haven't got time for it when it means taxes going up. It's just another theory and in 10 years it won't be talked about. A fashion 'trend' if you will.
Damocles said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
It was a trick to see who agreed with your opinion.

It was a trick to see if people who don't keep up to date with climate science understand that the planet is changing rapidly to a point where their grandchildren will have to fight to survive. This isn't an argument on which you can have opinions. It's a fact which you either understand or you do not.

You sound off your fucking head like one of the Jesus crackpots.
Damocles said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
It was a trick to see who agreed with your opinion.

It was a trick to see if people who don't keep up to date with climate science understand that the planet is changing rapidly to a point where their grandchildren will have to fight to survive. This isn't an argument on which you can have opinions. It's a fact which you either understand or you do not.

Damocles in 50 years time there could be as many as 11 Billion people in the world. There's also going to be a shit load less oil which is what makes our society work. Forget climate change man we've got bigger things to worry about.
Rascal said:
Damocles said:
Rascal said:
I think the answer is, nobody knows for sure what is happening.Nobody on either side of the debate can offer comprehensive proof either way.

This just isn't true. It is happening, as even Gelson's Dad will admit. There's not a single credible climate scientist out there that suggests anything else.

I would agree with you, i just dont have the knowledge of it to expand further. I think climate change deniers are generally right wing crackpots who think by admitting it happens it will affect the free market.

But i think my point is that the climate change lobby have yet to deliver a comprehensive study that the "man on the street" can understand meaning there findings are not given a proper platform.

Over 97% of climatologists conclude that global warming is happening and is man made:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

As with all science, there are some gaps here and there in the knowledge and it's healthy for educated guys like Gelson's Dad to poke around within them. Science is the process of people tying to prove each other wrong using evidence and data. However, the scientific consensus is shared by almost everybody. A 97% consensus with the IPCC ruling at an over 90% probability is almost unheard of levels of sureness in such a complicated discipline.

The problem that we have is probably communication. There's no easy way to sit down and explain climate change as a logarithmic event that is caused by emissions. Al Gore tried and I'd say that maybe more people should watch it:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 7479496579</a>

Even deniers say that the majority of what he says there is sound. There are little bits which he overstates but the general facts are there. The government has actually sent that video out to schools now as an educational video,

The problem here is that it doesn't affect your day to day life at present. By the time it does, it will be far too late. Our system of politics and society doesn't seem equipped to be able to deal with those types of problems, unfortunately.

-- Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:34 pm --

gaudinho's stolen car said:
Damocles said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
It was a trick to see who agreed with your opinion.

It was a trick to see if people who don't keep up to date with climate science understand that the planet is changing rapidly to a point where their grandchildren will have to fight to survive. This isn't an argument on which you can have opinions. It's a fact which you either understand or you do not.

You sound off your fucking head like one of the Jesus crackpots.

Apart from I've got thousands of datapoints and a whole scientific consensus behind me to support this conclusion?

-- Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:35 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
Damocles said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
It was a trick to see who agreed with your opinion.

It was a trick to see if people who don't keep up to date with climate science understand that the planet is changing rapidly to a point where their grandchildren will have to fight to survive. This isn't an argument on which you can have opinions. It's a fact which you either understand or you do not.

Damocles in 50 years time there could be as many as 11 Billion people in the world. There's also going to be a shit load less oil which is what makes our society work. Forget climate change man we've got bigger things to worry about.

I'd say that having several hundred million people displaced by climate change and having our whole ecosystem disrupted might take precedence over that if I'm honest.<br /><br />-- Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:36 pm --<br /><br />
Forzacitizens said:
Damocles said:
rickmcfc said:
Global Warming does not exist, Climate Charge however does, and its a natural cycle that has hapenned since earth began. Man is probably adding the the effect, the the effect is that small is not even worth mentioning.

And these people are the ones doing it.

Well i'm sorry Damocles but there's not enough evidence to suggest it's man made and a lot of people haven't got time for it when it means taxes going up. It's just another theory and in 10 years it won't be talked about. A fashion 'trend' if you will.

You are absolutely wrong. There's no easy way of saying that. You aren't mistaken, you aren't partially right, you are dead wrong.
Damocles said:
DavidSilvasLeftFoot said:
It isn't man made, climate change has happened naturally throughout time. We had an ice age not too long back 20,000 years ago, the earth is still recovering from that.

So the warming trends in the past 50 years don't count because it sort of mirrors something that occurred over the course of 20,000 years?

Well shit.

My point here is yes, the climate does change over the course of thousands and thousands of years but the current consensus indicates that this warming has occurred over a vastly shorter timeframe. We're worried about the next hundred years rather than 20,000 years.

So short term is good when it supports your argument but not when it doesn't?

The temperature has been falling over the last 10,000 years. We've survived and prospered. The rate of temperature change recorded is in the last 1000 years mild compared to previous events. The medieval warm period and little ice age was faster temperature change than the actual recorded current change.

Now if we were in Younger Dryas territory, then I would be concerned.
Forzacitizens said:
Damocles said:
rickmcfc said:
Global Warming does not exist, Climate Charge however does, and its a natural cycle that has hapenned since earth began. Man is probably adding the the effect, the the effect is that small is not even worth mentioning.

And these people are the ones doing it.

Well i'm sorry Damocles but there's not enough evidence to suggest it's man made and a lot of people haven't got time for it when it means taxes going up. It's just another theory and in 10 years it won't be talked about. A fashion 'trend' if you will.

bizarre, taxes going up planet being fucked which is more important, i presume you are an expert and not only an expert but cleverer than all those scientists that say this is a problem

this attitude is the reason why nothing will change and its a shame that the ones who will suffer arent the ones with your attitude
hilts said:
Forzacitizens said:
Damocles said:
And these people are the ones doing it.

Well i'm sorry Damocles but there's not enough evidence to suggest it's man made and a lot of people haven't got time for it when it means taxes going up. It's just another theory and in 10 years it won't be talked about. A fashion 'trend' if you will.

bizarre, taxes going up planet being fucked which is more important, i presume you are an expert and not only an expert but cleverer than all those scientists that say this is a problem

this attitude is the reason why nothing will change and its a shame that the ones who will suffer arent the ones with your attitude

Why do taxes have to go up ?

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