Global Warming

I'll be interested to see how the author demonstrates 9/11 conspiracies are anti-science when they've often deployed science better than the official bodies investigating it i.e. NIST.


NIST has gone from claiming freefall didn't happen, and then it was proved it did, then said it didn't matter, which is even more absurd.
twinkletoes said:
I am writing this article knowing full well that it will be used as evidence against me -- evidence that I have been duped by a powerful cabal, a vast conspiracy to... to do what? Well, take your choice. Perhaps to convince a naive public that NASA landed men on the moon? Or to hide the fact that our president is African? Or the fact that al Qaeda didn't mastermind 9/11? Or to falsely link HIV with AIDS, or smoking with lung cancer?

Conspiracy theorists have sounded alarms about every one of these nefarious plots and more, and many conspiracy theorists embrace several imaginary plots. None of these claims has ever been proven. Proof is not conspiracy theorists' strong suit. Indeed they tend to be highly suspicious of science and its methods, which is why, whenever conspiracy theorists are confronted with facts that refute their wild ideas, they simply seize on those facts as further evidence of plotters' ingenuity.

Psychological scientists are very interested in this particular brand of irrational thinking -- especially the link between conspiratorial thinking and anti-science world views. These plots and conspiracies may seem laughable at first glance, but they are not inconsequential. At the very least, conspiracy theorists waste a lot of time and money -- think of the "birthers" -- and at worst, they pose real dangers to society. Just think of how many parents, alarmed by the bogus link between vaccines and autism, have left their children unprotected against serious disease.

Or consider global warming. More than 90 percent of climate scientists agree that the global climate is shifting, largely as a result of human activity. Scientifically, this is essentially a closed case. Yet conspiracy theorists continue to spin wild tales of government agents surreptitiously destroying thermometers and burying contradictory evidence. What are the motives of these climate deniers, who reject even overwhelming scientific consensus? Do they have a specific agenda having to do with the environment or economics, or are climate deniers the same people who fantasize about the second gunman on the grassy knoll?

Cognitive psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Western Australia has been studying climate deniers and conspiratorial thinking -- and the link between the two. He suspected that climate deniers -- as opposed to climate "skeptics," who actually use the tools of science to verify facts -- are highly prone to unrelated kinds of conspiracy thinking, and also to a conservative, pro-business ideology. He decided to test these ideas by questioning people who write and read blogs related to global warming.

He chose blogs because people with an anti-science bias have found a welcoming home on the Internet. Science denial is difficult to practice in the mainstream, peer-reviewed literature, but such contrarian views can be freely expressed in the blogosphere, where conspiracy theorists can feed one another's feelings of persecution. Lewandowsky surveyed blog denizens about their views on climate science, other scientific propositions, and their environmental leanings; their perceptions of what scientific "consensus" means; their beliefs about free-market economics; and finally, their views on a number of well-known conspiracy theories. The conspiracies covered the political spectrum, from fears of a world government (a right-wing idea) to the belief that 9/11 was an "inside job" (typically embraced on the left).

The results were unambiguous, and unsettling. First, those who hold a laissez-faire view of unfettered free markets were much more likely to strongly reject climate science. Lewandowsky believes that, because the fundamental importance of fossil fuels (and CO2 emissions) to modern economics, climate science in general (and evidence for global warming in particular) is a threat to free market advocates. Free marketers were also more likely to reject other established scientific findings, even the (undisputed) facts that smoking causes lung cancer and HIV causes AIDS.

Second, conspiracy thinking was clearly linked to climate denial -- and to the rejection of scientific propositions in general. This was true even of conspiracy theories unrelated to the environment or climate -- the belief that NASA staged the moon landing, for example, or that the CIA killed Martin Luther King. In other words, conspiracy thinking is not simply a convenient way to dismiss a particularly bothersome scientific consensus. Instead, some people seem to have a general personality trait or cognitive style, which leads them to endorse any conspiracy. This paranoid thinking in turn predisposes them to reject completely unrelated scientific facts.

Lewandowsky's study will be published in a future issue of 'Psychological Science,' a peer-reviewed scientific journal, providing further evidence of a vast and ingenious plot to elevate enlightenment thinking and marginalize the unenlightened.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 86437.html</a>

First free schools now free markets. More of Gove's crazed baloney. Let me tell you about markets - try to walk away from Todmorden market with free high quality tripe and offal and enjoy your shoplifting conviction. We don't mess about at this end of the valley.
Matty said:
Global Warming is happening, although that doesn't mean everywhere is getting warm as such, it mearly means the weather is changing. Our summers will actually get wetter as part of global warming due to our latitudinal position as well as the topography of the UK and the nature of the surrounding oceans and landmasses.

Sort of, you've mixed up weather and climate.

Man is affecting the Earth and is increasing the speed of climate change, however climate change would happen anyway, just at a greatly reduced rate. The Earth has a history of freeze/thaw with Ice Ages followed by warmer periods which then lead into another ice age. Like a boom/bust economy the cyclical nature of this is an inevitability.

The cyclical nature takes hundreds of thousands of years on large scales and hundreds of years at lower scales. We've created it in 50.
It's like saying that asteroids that blow up whole countries is natural once every million years so Hiroshima and Nagaski were just natural events, sped up by man.
Now even the sceptics are changing their minds.

"Humans are almost entirely the cause" of climate change, according to a scientist who once doubted that global warming even existed.

Last year, Richard Muller walked back years of climate change skepticism in light of new research. But Sunday's comments go one step further.

Muller wrote in an NYT op-ed that after exhaustive research, he believes that an increase of greenhouse gases can be closely linked to the rise in the earth's temperature. He explains:

Our results show that the average temperature of the earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases

However, Muller said that he did not believe that the recent heat waves or Hurricane Katrina were caused by global warming.

Muller, a UCBerkeley professor, founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, which receives substantial funding from GOP powerhouse donor Charles Koch.

According to Greenpeace, the Koch brothers have given over $61 million to groups that deny the existence of climate change.

Last year, Muller told the Huffington Post that though he believes climate change exists, "I certainly feel that there is lots of room for skepticism on the human component of warming."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 15887.html</a>
Saved me a bollocking for creating a duplicate thread! Was just about to post the same from the BBC and ask our resident boffins where they stood on this in light of that new research. Not out of badness, just out of curiosity.
twinkletoes said:
Now even the sceptics are changing their minds.

"Humans are almost entirely the cause" of climate change, according to a scientist who once doubted that global warming even existed.

Last year, Richard Muller walked back years of climate change skepticism in light of new research. But Sunday's comments go one step further.

Muller wrote in an NYT op-ed that after exhaustive research, he believes that an increase of greenhouse gases can be closely linked to the rise in the earth's temperature. He explains:

Our results show that the average temperature of the earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases

However, Muller said that he did not believe that the recent heat waves or Hurricane Katrina were caused by global warming.

Muller, a UCBerkeley professor, founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, which receives substantial funding from GOP powerhouse donor Charles Koch.

According to Greenpeace, the Koch brothers have given over $61 million to groups that deny the existence of climate change.

Last year, Muller told the Huffington Post that though he believes climate change exists, "I certainly feel that there is lots of room for skepticism on the human component of warming."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 15887.html</a>

As has been explained before on this thread, it's the sea temperatures that really matter. Not the land temperatures. Just to clarify:

I don't believe that 150 years of industrialisation is solely responsible for "global warming". Or climate change, as it's now termed. There is also proof that the planet hasn't actually warmed since 1998. Hence the snide shift from global warming to climate change.

I also still want to know where the God botherers are? They should be here debunking the science and claiming it is God's doing. Johnny Crossan, where art thou? Please, claim this in the name of the Lord! He created us allegedly, so get on here and get claiming this in His name.
The Flash said:
twinkletoes said:
Now even the sceptics are changing their minds.

"Humans are almost entirely the cause" of climate change, according to a scientist who once doubted that global warming even existed.

Last year, Richard Muller walked back years of climate change skepticism in light of new research. But Sunday's comments go one step further.

Muller wrote in an NYT op-ed that after exhaustive research, he believes that an increase of greenhouse gases can be closely linked to the rise in the earth's temperature. He explains:

Our results show that the average temperature of the earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases

However, Muller said that he did not believe that the recent heat waves or Hurricane Katrina were caused by global warming.

Muller, a UCBerkeley professor, founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, which receives substantial funding from GOP powerhouse donor Charles Koch.

According to Greenpeace, the Koch brothers have given over $61 million to groups that deny the existence of climate change.

Last year, Muller told the Huffington Post that though he believes climate change exists, "I certainly feel that there is lots of room for skepticism on the human component of warming."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 15887.html</a>

As has been explained before on this thread, it's the sea temperatures that really matter. Not the land temperatures. Just to clarify:

I don't believe that 150 years of industrialisation is solely responsible for "global warming". Or climate change, as it's now termed. There is also proof that the planet hasn't actually warmed since 1998. Hence the snide shift from global warming to climate change.

I also still want to know where the God botherers are? They should be here debunking the science and claiming it is God's doing. Johnny Crossan, where art thou? Please, claim this in the name of the Lord! He created us allegedly, so get on here and get claiming this in His name.

If you knew who the Koch Brothers are then you would see the significance of this article.

They are among the foremost climate change sceptic supporters in the world.
twinkletoes said:
The Flash said:
twinkletoes said:
Now even the sceptics are changing their minds.

"Humans are almost entirely the cause" of climate change, according to a scientist who once doubted that global warming even existed.

Last year, Richard Muller walked back years of climate change skepticism in light of new research. But Sunday's comments go one step further.

Muller wrote in an NYT op-ed that after exhaustive research, he believes that an increase of greenhouse gases can be closely linked to the rise in the earth's temperature. He explains:

Our results show that the average temperature of the earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase results from the human emission of greenhouse gases

However, Muller said that he did not believe that the recent heat waves or Hurricane Katrina were caused by global warming.

Muller, a UCBerkeley professor, founded the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, which receives substantial funding from GOP powerhouse donor Charles Koch.

According to Greenpeace, the Koch brothers have given over $61 million to groups that deny the existence of climate change.

Last year, Muller told the Huffington Post that though he believes climate change exists, "I certainly feel that there is lots of room for skepticism on the human component of warming."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 15887.html</a>

As has been explained before on this thread, it's the sea temperatures that really matter. Not the land temperatures. Just to clarify:

I don't believe that 150 years of industrialisation is solely responsible for "global warming". Or climate change, as it's now termed. There is also proof that the planet hasn't actually warmed since 1998. Hence the snide shift from global warming to climate change.

I also still want to know where the God botherers are? They should be here debunking the science and claiming it is God's doing. Johnny Crossan, where art thou? Please, claim this in the name of the Lord! He created us allegedly, so get on here and get claiming this in His name.

If you knew who the Koch Brothers are then you would see the significance of this article.

They are among the foremost climate change sceptic supporters in the world.

That's as maybe, but the problem here is twinkletoes and forgive me for not clarifying this earlier, but I just don't care.

Until someone comes out with an independantly-funded report that gives conclusive proof that we're fully to blame, then I really don't give a shit.

I don't want theories or models of future weather systems sponsored by the green party or oil companies, I want independant, unbiased proof.
You are having a go at the god botherers for having a faith with no actual evidence and yet you decry the science behind global warming.

It looks like your faith in climate denial is somewhat similar to that of the god botherers.
twinkletoes said:
You are having a go at the god botherers for having a faith with no actual evidence and yet you decry the science behind global warming.

It looks like your faith in climate denial is somewhat similar to that of the god botherers.

I'm not denying anything TT, that would make me as big a crank as pauldominic.

I'm sceptical in reference to climate change being purely a problem caused by mankind.

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