God bless USA

  • Thread starter dronefromsector7g
  • Start date
Frank the Yank said:
FromPollockToSilva said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
For me, Faux-Bama being president is simply the lesser of two evils - a bit like preferring to have a heavy head cold than Aids, when ideally I don't want either.
He has been a huge disappointment as president, but has probably done a bit less harm than a Republican would have done, and that is about the best I can say for him.

Not that much the president can do when the House of Representatives is in the hands of an opposition that has routinely preferred total legislative paralysis to compromises and responsible governance. Obama's administration passed a great deal of good legislation when the Democrats had a super-majority, prior to the 2010 midterms when the Republicans took back the House.

As a very learned man once said, "Elections have consequences". Please tell me of all the sweeping, positive legislation the administration passed between jan 2009 and jan 2011. If you think its bad now, wait til Jan 2015 when there is a chance that the Democrats lose the Senate as well.

Even members of his own party dont want the president anywhere near them when campaigning. Same same for Bush 43 during the midterms of 2006. Its always possible that the Republicans will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Afterall, they have so much practice. That cadaver named Harry Reid should have been clobbered 4 years ago but they Republicans put up such a terrible candidate we have had to listen to Reid's bullshit as Senate Majority leader the last 4 years.........

You've clearly spent too much time in Thailand ;-)
Bigga said:
SWP's back said:
Bigga said:
I have heard some bollocks today, but this is right up there ! He has the most difficult balancing task of any Western leader , I can think of! "All things to all men" is probably the best description of his tenure. Hands tied by the House of Representatives, fighting the NRA., trying to get people affordable Health Care, building relations in the Middle East whilst fighting terrorists, as well as trying to create jobs and keep the Banks in check are just a few of his problems.

Sorry he ain't perfect...
Never known you defend a politician with such vigour since Dianne Abbot.

I was going to respond to this in apt fashion, but I find you achingly dull.

Mind numbingly so, even. You're like a vacuous Neanderthal forever impressed by his own reflection in the water.

You bore me with your constant chasing after my posts, you just have to be there. Even when I'm not around, you feel the need to call for me, like a child sucking his thumb, afraid of the dark.

I find you, wholly, uninteresting.

Your greatest achievement for attention has been to post a picture yourself with a hat on, hoping for attention from the ladies of Bluemoon.

However, I must admit I'm steadfastly surprised you found the wherewithal to spell 'vigour' correctly, because you certainly can't spell 'republican' nor 'Diane Abbott'!!

All this because I cracked a joke about your GF being out of your league... how many years ago now...??

Fook it, you're not even worth the japing.
Still not answering how a TV presenter can ruin a person's life through their TV programme then?

I thought not. This is what you do. You never answer a post and as such, most on here regard you like a bad fart.

And all this as you are a race obsessed dullard, nothing to do with my then lady. The chips on your shoulders weigh you down greatly. I am guessing that is why you are so small and so lacking in achievement.

So now we have had the personal digs, care to expand or explain your points? If you had any that was.

If Obama was white, you would never defend him so. You know this. I know this. There are tribes in the Amazon without internet capability that know this.

You're a fraud, a joke. A caricature of yourself.

ps - The hat picture also more than worked :-)
dronefromsector7g said:
Ducado said:
dronefromsector7g said:
President Obama has said that no longer can Afghanistan be used as a base to launch attacks on The US and her allies.

Can everyone join me in saying 'well done' to all those who've made this happen.


Where was he wrong in that statement?
I didn't say he was wrong did I?

Why do you think we went to Afghanistan, just out of interest?
In my opinion; to find out who is in control/change who is in control/take control of the opium and heroin trade. The money involved in that trade is gigantic. The USA wanted it in safer hands/their hands rather than with dangerous groups of people.
KippaxCitizen said:
dronefromsector7g said:
Ducado said:
Where was he wrong in that statement?
I didn't say he was wrong did I?

Why do you think we went to Afghanistan, just out of interest?
In my opinion; to find out who is in control/change who is in control/take control of the opium and heroin trade. The money involved in that trade is gigantic. The USA wanted it in safer hands/their hands rather than with dangerous groups of people.
I agree, plus the other natural resources they have. Military contracts and rebuilding/security also. I read 'The Shock Doctrine' which talks about Iraq and the carve up that followed that particular war. Same thing different country. Wars just happen to help economies but the heroin is another bonus in that respect.
The shock doctrine is a very good read and I wouldn't disagree with anyone who believed in the existence of disaster economics, but Naomi Klein makes a lot of leaps of faith in the piece, it would be good to see someone approach it from an unbiased perspective and carry out the same research she did.
I don't believe there were any nasty horrible baddies out there to start with

Just an excuse to bomb lovely innocent goat herding people as usual

Tut tut
dom said:
rick773 said:
Damocles said:
There is no "you". You're British.

There's a reason you don't look like Mexicans or Native Americans and it's because you're British people who wanted to call themselves something else whilst you occupied somebody else's lands and claimed oppression.

Number 273,710 on the list of the Great American Hypocrisies.

were all irish, and most of us are at least 1/16 native american.

Pity you didn't treat the Native Americans better , then, FFS

Pity we didn't treat the Irish Catholics better, then, FFS... Or the Iraqi's and sailors of the Belgrano for that matter; or the citizens of Dresden back in the forties.
mcmanus said:
Balti said:
I don't believe there were any nasty horrible baddies out there to start with

Just an excuse to bomb lovely innocent goat herding people as usual

Tut tut

Bad bastards those goat herders.

They frighten the fuck out of me.

Baaaaaaaad bastards?
kinkladz-ade said:
mcmanus said:
Balti said:
I don't believe there were any nasty horrible baddies out there to start with

Just an excuse to bomb lovely innocent goat herding people as usual

Tut tut

Bad bastards those goat herders.

They frighten the fuck out of me.

Baaaaaaaad bastards?
bad baaaastrads

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