Good cures for snoring?


Well-Known Member
22 Feb 2006
I snore like a cross-channel ferry.

It irritates the hell out of my missus, and is quite annoying for my work colleagues also.

It is apparently worse when I have twelve pints, as I did at the cricket yesterday.

Any ideas?
welcome to my world! i posted this a couple of months back and all you tend to get is "tell her to stop moaning" "go in the spare room" or "loose weight/dont drink".

So my answer is all of the above!
A) Tell her to stop moaning -fair enough

B) Go in the spare room - no need, she did that

C) Lose weight/don't drink. Are you mad?
Pro plus and red bull?

Girl at work has a husband who snores so much they've got a little electro-shock gadget that activates and gives him a shock on his wrist after exceeding so many decibels.

EDIT: The pro plus and red bull isn't for you, its for your missus. She can use them to perk herself up if she's struggling to sleep with your racket.
If it's because you sleep on your back, then I've heard that a tennis ball sown into a pocket on the back of your jimmy top stops you sleeping on your back and so the snoring. Never tried it myself as my snoring doesn't bother me (apart from dry mouth in the morning).
dont know if your overweight or not, but being overweight can cause snoring, smoking can also cause it and also alcohol.

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