Good Humans vs Sh*t Humans...

Drink drivers are pure fucking scum. I've hated them with a passion for a while. Actually being victim of taking a twatting off one of the scummy fuckers, fracturing your neck, pelvis and ribs as happened to myself last weekend has only intensified that passion. Utter fucking lowlife scum.
Sorry to hear of your suffering bud. Hope you recover. Cant be a nice time for you.
I've behaved truly awfully at points. Mostly when I'm frustrated at my inability to be good. That wish to be good, I balance things up in my head, to get the most good. Then what is good becomes the same as being right. Right becomes a sticking point, or argument. Then... then I can be terrible. Awful. I mean, all other things being equal, sometimes I'll just get it wrong in my head, have made a stupid error about what's what.

It's innate in our existence. Forget about it. There's no sense in looking at snapshots or videos and saying - AHA - that's a good human! AHA! That's a bad human! Like you know half the story from a few seconds of edited images without conscience. Think about everyone you've ever known. Sure, doing OK as a human is a life's work. Surely those who try, make mistakes too. Sometimes it's better to not do so - you'll do better as a human, be a better person to others, as a result.

W/R/T drug drivers and so on, we were young once too, many of us took awful risks without conscience. If you can beat up a driver for his actions, someone else can beat you up for your actions. Would it be ok to beat someone up if they had kids, a mother, blameless? What about if there are onlookers, and you scar them. Isn't it worth noting tho, that we're all onlookers. And everyone who gets beaten, that creates a fear that it could happen to us, for no fair reason whatsoever.

Isn't that is a serious problem. People in fear often think they have to act bad so no-one will touch them?

Seriously. Social media - powered by our choices as it is - would have you forget what reality is, because we all really are just looking for a sensation, a stimulation. Kids now grow up never having experienced a world without constant social media interactions. Who else can tell them the world - other people - really look like without that that hall of mirrors - if we fail to remember to not believe it ourselves? Take a step off the rollercoaster. We've all got to get smarter, wiser to this stuff. Just as I was taught to analyse media at school, how to recognise the tricks of the trade, we'll need kids who are meta-aware of the mechanics of social media. Worryingly, I don't think adults understand. I mean - I do get the basics. The 60/40 rule - having 40% of viewers respond positively is nothing much - but add in 60% responding negatively, and you've got a persona or channel that will spread like wildfire, a debate that will burn for years... the kicker being the harder the 60% try, the more coverage they give, the more reinforcements are dragged into that 40%. There's realistically nothing we, as individuals posting, can do. Not for all the passion and care and craft in the world. Because the best post is just one post. And it comes with such a high risk of posting genuinely awful shit. The more you "care", the more likely you will be to bend or break reasonableness, the more likely to injure someone else, injure fairness, deny their rights, deny the truth.

But even tho I know a few things about how all this works, in the moment, I completely forget this stuff, and just reckon, I should try harder to win the argument. FFS.

We have to know when to walk away and laugh. Walk away. There's no good human or bad human. There's just humans. Sometimes they act really kindly, are clever and thoughtful and constructive. Sometimes they are petty, jealous, frustrated, selfish. That goes for all of us. So does our inability to reliably make reasonable judgements on what is going on, on the hoof, or in possession of limited information. And that's what social media excels at. The level of stupidity we engage in on the regular is mind boggling. But... it kind of always has been. Definitely. It's just that Social Media means you can play that game endlessly, as often as you want. And we are hopeless at saying no!
This one just happened the other day just up the road, I’d love to get my hands on the driver
Quick tip; if you want to open that link, you'll need to use a VPN connected to a USA server. It is unavailable to people in the EEA for legal reasons (something to do with data protection regulation, apparently). Here's an alternative source for the story....
Quick tip; if you want to open that link, you'll need to use a VPN connected to a USA server. It is unavailable to people in the EEA for legal reasons (something to do with data protection regulation, apparently). Here's an alternative source for the story....
Quick tip; if you want to open that link, you'll need to use a VPN connected to a USA server. It is unavailable to people in the EEA for legal reasons (something to do with data protection regulation, apparently). Here's an alternative source for the story....
I thought he was just posting a pic of a snowplough.
I've behaved truly awfully at points. Mostly when I'm frustrated at my inability to be good. That wish to be good, I balance things up in my head, to get the most good. Then what is good becomes the same as being right. Right becomes a sticking point, or argument. Then... then I can be terrible. Awful. I mean, all other things being equal, sometimes I'll just get it wrong in my head, have made a stupid error about what's what.

It's innate in our existence. Forget about it. There's no sense in looking at snapshots or videos and saying - AHA - that's a good human! AHA! That's a bad human! Like you know half the story from a few seconds of edited images without conscience. Think about everyone you've ever known. Sure, doing OK as a human is a life's work. Surely those who try, make mistakes too. Sometimes it's better to not do so - you'll do better as a human, be a better person to others, as a result.

W/R/T drug drivers and so on, we were young once too, many of us took awful risks without conscience. If you can beat up a driver for his actions, someone else can beat you up for your actions. Would it be ok to beat someone up if they had kids, a mother, blameless? What about if there are onlookers, and you scar them. Isn't it worth noting tho, that we're all onlookers. And everyone who gets beaten, that creates a fear that it could happen to us, for no fair reason whatsoever.

Isn't that is a serious problem. People in fear often think they have to act bad so no-one will touch them?

Seriously. Social media - powered by our choices as it is - would have you forget what reality is, because we all really are just looking for a sensation, a stimulation. Kids now grow up never having experienced a world without constant social media interactions. Who else can tell them the world - other people - really look like without that that hall of mirrors - if we fail to remember to not believe it ourselves? Take a step off the rollercoaster. We've all got to get smarter, wiser to this stuff. Just as I was taught to analyse media at school, how to recognise the tricks of the trade, we'll need kids who are meta-aware of the mechanics of social media. Worryingly, I don't think adults understand. I mean - I do get the basics. The 60/40 rule - having 40% of viewers respond positively is nothing much - but add in 60% responding negatively, and you've got a persona or channel that will spread like wildfire, a debate that will burn for years... the kicker being the harder the 60% try, the more coverage they give, the more reinforcements are dragged into that 40%. There's realistically nothing we, as individuals posting, can do. Not for all the passion and care and craft in the world. Because the best post is just one post. And it comes with such a high risk of posting genuinely awful shit. The more you "care", the more likely you will be to bend or break reasonableness, the more likely to injure someone else, injure fairness, deny their rights, deny the truth.

But even tho I know a few things about how all this works, in the moment, I completely forget this stuff, and just reckon, I should try harder to win the argument. FFS.

We have to know when to walk away and laugh. Walk away. There's no good human or bad human. There's just humans. Sometimes they act really kindly, are clever and thoughtful and constructive. Sometimes they are petty, jealous, frustrated, selfish. That goes for all of us. So does our inability to reliably make reasonable judgements on what is going on, on the hoof, or in possession of limited information. And that's what social media excels at. The level of stupidity we engage in on the regular is mind boggling. But... it kind of always has been. Definitely. It's just that Social Media means you can play that game endlessly, as often as you want. And we are hopeless at saying no!

This is pretty incoherent as it's all over the place!

Nobody's saying that being Human isn't just living, but you seperate yourself from just the basic Human by the very conscious decisions you make, actively.

You see a runner in a marathon struggling towards the finish. You choose to run past or think of the greater Humanity and selflessly help that runner.

You drink and you CHOOSE to get behind a wheel take your chance at getting home, maiming someone or killing them. OR you fucking go home by means of safer passage and everyone gets up in the morning.

IF you choose to drink and put someone in danger, you deserve the consequences however that falls, cos the drunk isn't thinking of ANYONE but themselves.

I don't know how you can make a case that Humans are just human, besides the obvious.

Good and bad are active choices and have always been that way.
I worked with a fella a couple of years ago who would send me videos on WhatsApp of people being mutilated, heads blown off with guns the lot. He thought it was hilarious. I would delete them without watching them. What I then found out from his friend on site was the same fella could not watch anything to do with cruelty to animals. He told me if he saw 3 blokes kicking a cat he would go mad and run at them but if 3 blokes were kicking holes out of another human being he would watch and laugh.
Sorry to hear of your suffering bud. Hope you recover. Cant be a nice time for you.
Cheers, mate. Much improved. Off the crutches but still wearing a neck brace 24/7. Won't ever regain full mobility of my neck or shoulders, but could have been a hell of a lot worse. Found out the guy who hit the car I was in had his wife and young kids in the car with him. What a fucking nob end.
Cheers, mate. Much improved. Off the crutches but still wearing a neck brace 24/7. Won't ever regain full mobility of my neck or shoulders, but could have been a hell of a lot worse. Found out the guy who hit the car I was in had his wife and young kids in the car with him. What a fucking nob end.
Wow some people are truly awful humans. Keep your spirits up and don’t lose hope. Best wishes.

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