Gordon Brown

So now we have it. Not only do we have a pretend primeminister we have one who cannnt spell. The sooner we get rid of this idiot the better. The Sun has every right to expose this fraud at every opportunity.[/quote]
Tell me...
Did thatcher send letters for those who she had killed?
Did Major or Blair? I f*cking doubt it.
This is just an excuse for that rag of a paper owned by a right wing Aussie/Yank to beat the PM with and for brain dead F8ck wits to follow on like sheep.
Any independant thinking??? no lets follow the sun and mail unless they are having a go at City then they are shit papers with bad writers strange that one !!!!!![/quote]

Just ignore the politics and look at what he did and the effect it had on this poor woman. If he had taken the time to write clearly and get her name right there would be no backlash
newspapers are glory hunters. they are hangers on. they will say black is white if it sold enough. who hasn't made a spelling mistake? it is certainly not 'cool' to be a supporter of the labour goverment in the current crisis, and people are lapping it up.. almost frenzidly. the crucifiction has begun.

the amount of power the media have over the public is laughable. it really does make me shake my head.
BluePurgatory said:
tmouseman said:
Tell me...
Did thatcher send letters for those who she had killed?
Did Major or Blair? I f*cking doubt it.
This is just an excuse for that rag of a paper owned by a right wing Aussie/Yank to beat the PM with and for brain dead F8ck wits to follow on like sheep.
Any independant thinking??? no lets follow the sun and mail unless they are having a go at City then they are shit papers with bad writers strange that one !!!!!!

Hit a nerve did we. Another fucking boring rant by a left wing tosser.

O and by the way. All the other three including that twat blair were elected as leaders by the public unlike that muppet Brown.

Actually if you did vote you will have seen that you voted for your local candidate not Blair/Brown.

The Sun has come out in support of the tories , expect this bullshit kind of story to stirrup the outraged masses from now on in
loffers said:
BluePurgatory said:
Hit a nerve did we. Another fucking boring rant by a left wing tosser.

O and by the way. All the other three including that twat blair were elected as leaders by the public unlike that muppet Brown.

Actually if you did vote you will have seen that you voted for your local candidate not Blair/Brown.

The Sun has come out in support of the tories , expect this bullshit kind of story to stirrup the outraged masses from now on in

I do love this 'not elected' crap.

As for the letter, he has notoriously bad handwriting and he made an spelling mistake for which he has apologised, crucify him!
Don't know why all the fuss. It's obviously a result of the Labour education policy over the last 12yrs that's just come to fruition and now we can all witness it from the un-elected man at the top!
Educashion, educashion, educashion...was the mantra wasn't it?
without a dream said:
loffers said:
Actually if you did vote you will have seen that you voted for your local candidate not Blair/Brown.

The Sun has come out in support of the tories , expect this bullshit kind of story to stirrup the outraged masses from now on in

I do love this 'not elected' crap.

As for the letter, he has notoriously bad handwriting and he made an spelling mistake for which he has apologised, crucify him!

You know what I am getting at, ask labour why they lost the election which should have been nailed on when they had Kinnock or Foot as leader of the opposition.

You new labour lovers were very happy to court the Sun when they were sharing the same bed with Blair for all those years.

It wasnt only a spelling mistake he also got the soldiers name wrong and why was it Bullshit? Did you not watch and witness the mother of the soldier with the letter on the news or are you saying she made it up?
As much as I am not a supporter of this "labour" government this is obviously a ploy by the Tory Sun to discredit the pm, personally i don't know why they're bothering it's not as if he's not doing a bad job of doing that himself! or anybody else in office or in the opposition for that matter!
She should be mourning the death of her son, not using a poor letter from the PM to get some cheap publicity. She looks a bit of a fuckwit to be honest. So what he made one or two spelling mistakes. Get over it you should have more important things to be upset about.
Actually disgusted that the phone call was recorded and given to the Sun to put on their website.

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