gout, food to avoid

de niro said:
thanks guys, doc says dont touch cheese,and some veg i.e. asparagus and caulie, i thought that odd?

Your doc is correct Bob,greens/veg will help alkalize your body.

A morning tonic,on waking,of apple cider vinegar/tspn of honey and fresh lemon in warm water will also aid the process,before bed also a good idea.
drink plenty of water and walk a lot.

There are a million and one ideas about diets and everyone of them has people who will swear by them.

But if you put the free fluids in and exercise the circulation you are always helping the situation.
I have nad the odd bout or ten (excruciating pain).

Apparently you need to avoid any foods that are high in purine (amino acid) as this cannot be easily metabolised and results in uric acid production that crystallises in the joints, giving the pain.

Thus I always avoid shell fish (prawns, sushi) etc. This is the reason why the Japanese have the highest incidence of gout.

I don't take anything to avoid, just anti inflammatory's when it flares and yes....... try and keep the joint moving...
ive had it once my dad had it for years , he stopped drinking bitter and that helped alot,

too rich living

where were you when you were poor ?
I've had about 8 periods of gout in last few years and it is so f**kin painful.
Avoid red meats,red wine and spirits,beer in moderation isnt too bad.
dicclofenic asap once you have attack and ice on the affected part usually helps me.Once had it for 3 days and couldnt walk for day and half.
Been ok for last year since above.
My colleague suffers from gout in his big toe.

He tells me anything citrus sets it off for him. Also things with loads of sugar in. So he has Diet Coke instead haha and he's fine!

Funnily enough, he tells me gravy sets it off for him too.
I had gout a while ago and couldn't move for days, so loads of research on the tinterweb and found that some type of american cherries called "montmorency" help to stop it but they cost a fortune. Anyway later found out that Morrisons sells cherry juice made out of these types of cherries so i tried it and the gout never came back, its called "cherrygood" and its only a couple of quid, well worth a try.

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