
Would that be a like the Guarantee that EFSM would not be used for just this situation, if so, then its f*cking worthless an we risk a billion or more of OUR cash on a dead horse

I am not sure. I think is something like the guarantee that Finland demands. Maybe is a part of 50 bn assets fund.
I'm no economist but it seems clear that the only way out of this mess is for Greece to default and dump the Euro. 5 years of austerity have made things worse and doing more of the same isn't suddenly going to make things better.

As Einstein once said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I'm no economist but it seems clear that the only way out of this mess is for Greece to default and dump the Euro. 5 years of austerity have made things worse and doing more of the same isn't suddenly going to make things better.

As Einstein once said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I've followed this quite closely and I'm no expert either but this solution they have come up with seems like nonsense.At best it will delay the inevitable for a while.
The only country that have to leave EU is Germany. They don't really care about the reformation of our economy. They let all previous and the current goverment to make the same mistakes all over again, while they built their defences against Grexit. USA, IMF, France and Italy try to show what is the problem with Greece. Our corrupt political system play mind games with the people destiny . They transfer 200k people from public sector to retirement and they call it reformation. Germany says , that we did a good work. They push us out , step by step.

The EU at this moment reminds me the video of a song , from the New Order. Those lads that slap each other.

That's the price that we all pay
Our valued destiny comes to nothing
I can't tell you where we're going
I guess there was just no way of knowing

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A total of 229 of 300 MPs voted it through, despite the histrionics, and while Syriza couldn't muster a majority, there was sufficient common ground in the centre to see it comfortably through. Perhaps we'll see some form of unity government in the coming months, yet given that the actual decision-making bodies lie outside of Athens, it really matters less who actually 'governs' the country. Over to the other countries now to sanction Bail Out III.
I can see a lot of resignations coming and a new election being called soon

They've tried politicians who don't wear ties.

Perhaps they should try some who don't wear suits at all next.

How about some who dress like young lads with their trousers hanging halfway down their bum with an expanse of underpants showing.

You never know. It might work.
They've tried politicians who don't wear ties.

Perhaps they should try some who don't wear suits at all next.

How about some who dress like young lads with their trousers hanging halfway down their bum with an expanse of underpants showing.

You never know. It might work.
Showing your underpants is not de rigueur anymore, tight is the fashion now :)

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