Congats to
@Saddleworth2 for the session win in a very tight finish.
Overall leader's are
@David El Mago Silva &
@Saddleworth2 with just a sprint to go and there's an interesting battle for CL qualification too.
Full team points last night for
@David El Mago Silva @Saddleworth2 &
@Gabriel , the latter also had a double with full bonus points.
Final updated table after game 12.
Saddleworth2 319+12=331.................10 points
David El Mago Silva 317+14=331...........9 points
Emma 10 315+15=330........................8 points
johnny crossan 315+13=328.................7 points
kbb 307+16=323...............................6 points
Gabriel 304+17=321..........................5 points
blue b4 the moon 307+12=319.............4 points
ONTHERUNWITHTHASKIN 308+10=318.....3 points
De Bruyne Supremacy 304+14=318.........2 points
St.Pauli support 296+16=312................1 point
RobMCFC 300+11=311
simmo 300+10=310
david whites spike 295+8=303
vulcan 284+11=295
Kunlover 273+15=288
bumbleblue 218+10=228
PepGuardiola 146+6=152
kun 125+10=135
chriscj89 82+3=85
Ric 72+3=75
SnakeDoctor473 28+2=30
raghawk 43+1=44
Cumulative points table after session 4.
David El Mago Silva ................33 Points
Saddleworth2 .......................33 Points
johnny crossan .....................24 Points
De Bruyne Supremacy .............22 Points
blue b4 the moon ..................21 Points
St.Pauli support ....................21 Points
Emma 10.............................18 Points
Gabriel ............................ ..13 Points
vulcan .................................8 Points
kbb.....................................7 Points
kun.....................................5 Points
the-ecstasy-of-eight ................4 Points
Kunlover...............................2 Points
MarsLlama............................2 Points
Grealish10 ...........................1 Point