With you op, i despise the way media and society would have me look up to them. I believe people should get what they have on merit ergo have little respect for royal titles. Give me a fireman of here or a copper, i mean a proper copper not a thug with a badge and i'll show you someone worthy of my respect and admiration.
I do not dislike them as people but the whole royal family thing means piss all to me and so would a knighthood/mbe etc. I don't want to be recognized under the same umbrella as jimmy saville and a fist full of financial crims all recognized by the crown. it is all a gimmic now i find but it does do well for the tourism economy.
I wish them the best but fuck, do i fawn over Mr and Mrs Smith and their new kid down the road, no i don't and the same reasoning extends to the royals for me. Probably very nice people but i don't know em so the care factory is indeed closed and out of stock.