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Is anybody going to be buying it next Tuesday?
I am not a massive gamer myself, but after following the Halo franchise, I am seriously looking forward to Halo 4.
For anyone who follows the IGN website, they know this game has been given a huge accolade for them to give it a 9.8 rating, plus I think only GTA San Andreas has been rated higher.
Here are some review quotes from the website:
Amazingly, Halo 4 is not only a success, but a bar-raising triumph for the entire first-person shooter genre. And just how new developer 343 Industries has done it will surprise, delight, and excite you.
No console shooter has a richer, deeper, more revered multiplayer history than Halo. So how does Halo 4’s multiplayer suite live up to the legacy in 343’s hands?
It’s golden.
After soaking in the new game, I am beyond thrilled to be so in love with Halo again, more than I’ve been since Halo 2. Halo 4 is a masterstroke everyone can and should celebrate, and its two guaranteed sequels instantly make the next-generation Xbox a must-own system, with Halo 5 its most anticipated title. Halo has been rebuilt. It has been redefined. And it has been reinvigorated. The Xbox’s original king has returned to his rightful place on the throne.