Hamburg at home : scarves, bananas, flags, banners etc..

Ricster said:

If you squeeze a rag shirt on that, and stick a picture of Fergiscum's face on the end you shall be knighted!
Bugger I'm torn now... bananaman costume looks ace but I've seen a Superman one and suddenly thought I could don that together with a bald cap and fake beard a la steven ireland. Wonder if the city store would print Ireland on the back of the costume for me?
I like this - think I might get it.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ts+Costume</a>
This is all well and good, but I can't believe it takes an event like this for people to be bothered to wear SCARVES or bring a FLAG. FFS, where is your commitment!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Sydney FC v Uruwa Reds - AFC Champions League tifos

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Same game, these guys are playing AWAY from home too, a 9 hour, 2 grand flight away.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Normal Sydney home game

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

After a last minute winner.

All this by a team that is only 4 years old (2 years at the time of the first 2 vids, 3 in the last 2) in a country with no history of active support.

This whole thing really miffs me...
Cambridgeblue said:
Bugger I'm torn now... bananaman costume looks ace but I've seen a Superman one and suddenly thought I could don that together with a bald cap and fake beard a la steven ireland. Wonder if the city store would print Ireland on the back of the costume for me?

I dont see why they wouldn't as they'll be making money from it.
Im getting a bit worried now, A few weeks ago the topic on BM was the credit crunch and how it was affecting our attendences,And here we are willing to spend money on costumes,Inflatables etc just to get an me "Old Skool" but I hope it does'nt blow up in our faces
fruitboiler said:
Im getting a bit worried now, A few weeks ago the topic on BM was the credit crunch and how it was affecting our attendences,And here we are willing to spend money on costumes,Inflatables etc just to get an me "Old Skool" but I hope it does'nt blow up in our faces

Im hoping my 6 foot cock comes with a guarantee, so we should be ok ;)

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