Harts a good Chappie

I saw both, the Hart-Chappie smile and Bobby Manc asking Rag face for a drink after but him quite bluntly refusing... bet Mancini even offered some red wine to make Fergie thinks he was involved in the semi... obviously a contrast to his team.
Although I think it was quite something for Hart to do the chappy thing at half time, in a match which had everything riding on it and at that moment it wasn't won! Shows they must have felt positive about it at half time and knew they had a chance if they played football like they enjoyed it?
Bellers_a_hero said:
Bobby Manc asking Rag face for a drink after but him quite bluntly refusing

Smack bang in front of the camera. No mistake there. Very subtle, very Italian.

Utd's ability to dominate the league comes from the psychological dominance the club exerts over the little guys. Ryan Giggs said last week that their comebacks in the league were less about their own mindset, than the mindset of the team they are playing. I see the evidence everywhere; a couple of weeks ago in a Parliamentary Committee debate on the future of football, David Gill was almost literally leaning on his Stoke counterpart in order to get him to say 'the right things' about governance of the Premiership.

Fat Sam and plenty of others take it right up the arse because it's human nature to submit to authority. It all stems from Utd having acquired a measure of genuine power, and the way they manage to constantly reinforce that perception through image and word. Fergie's greatest skill has been in presenting a completely dominant image of himself and his club, always publicly being seen to be in control. The knighthood is just another tool to him.

Saturday was a disaster for him because they lost and ultimately through Anderson and Ferdinand, they visibly lost control in a very public way. And the Chairman of the FA was sat alongside Khaldoon.

For that split second, Mancini took control of the social situation, took control of the public image, and forced 'him' into a response that was basically an admission that he didn't have the resources or inclination to act graciously or sociably. Bob turned the knife with a pleasant smile on his face.

Although I think it was quite something for Hart to do the chappy thing at half time, in a match which had everything riding on it and at that moment it wasn't won! Shows they must have felt positive about it at half time and knew they had a chance if they played football like they enjoyed it?

Hart has a screw loose, he really couldn't care less what people think. Very unsubtle, very goalkeeper.
Chick Counterfly said:
Bellers_a_hero said:
Bobby Manc asking Rag face for a drink after but him quite bluntly refusing

Smack bang in front of the camera. No mistake there. Very subtle, very Italian.

Utd's ability to dominate the league comes from the psychological dominance the club exerts over the little guys. Ryan Giggs said last week that their comebacks in the league were less about their own mindset, than the mindset of the team they are playing. I see the evidence everywhere; a couple of weeks ago in a Parliamentary Committee debate on the future of football, David Gill was almost literally leaning on his Stoke counterpart in order to get him to say 'the right things' about governance of the Premiership.

Fat Sam and plenty of others take it right up the arse because it's human nature to submit to authority. It all stems from Utd having acquired a measure of genuine power, and the way they manage to constantly reinforce that perception through image and word. Fergie's greatest skill has been in presenting a completely dominant image of himself and his club, always publicly being seen to be in control. The knighthood is just another tool to him.

Saturday was a disaster for him because they lost and ultimately through Anderson and Ferdinand, they visibly lost control in a very public way. And the Chairman of the FA was sat alongside Khaldoon.

For that split second, Mancini took control of the social situation, took control of the public image, and forced 'him' into a response that was basically an admission that he didn't have the resources or inclination to act graciously or sociably. Bob turned the knife with a pleasant smile on his face.

Although I think it was quite something for Hart to do the chappy thing at half time, in a match which had everything riding on it and at that moment it wasn't won! Shows they must have felt positive about it at half time and knew they had a chance if they played football like they enjoyed it?

Hart has a screw loose, he really couldn't care less what people think. Very unsubtle, very goalkeeper.

Pick my post to part there pal?
Bellers_a_hero said:
Chick Counterfly said:
Smack bang in front of the camera. No mistake there. Very subtle, very Italian.

Utd's ability to dominate the league comes from the psychological dominance the club exerts over the little guys. Ryan Giggs said last week that their comebacks in the league were less about their own mindset, than the mindset of the team they are playing. I see the evidence everywhere; a couple of weeks ago in a Parliamentary Committee debate on the future of football, David Gill was almost literally leaning on his Stoke counterpart in order to get him to say 'the right things' about governance of the Premiership.

Fat Sam and plenty of others take it right up the arse because it's human nature to submit to authority. It all stems from Utd having acquired a measure of genuine power, and the way they manage to constantly reinforce that perception through image and word. Fergie's greatest skill has been in presenting a completely dominant image of himself and his club, always publicly being seen to be in control. The knighthood is just another tool to him.

Saturday was a disaster for him because they lost and ultimately through Anderson and Ferdinand, they visibly lost control in a very public way. And the Chairman of the FA was sat alongside Khaldoon.

For that split second, Mancini took control of the social situation, took control of the public image, and forced 'him' into a response that was basically an admission that he didn't have the resources or inclination to act graciously or sociably. Bob turned the knife with a pleasant smile on his face.

Hart has a screw loose, he really couldn't care less what people think. Very unsubtle, very goalkeeper.

Pick my post to part there pal?

Sorry, that's certainly not what I meant to do!

You mentioned a couple of things that had got me thinking, and I went off on one (happens a lot).
Slur Alex was apparently very depressed and "as low as I have ever seen him" on Monday according to a journo of my acquaintance. He was absolutely gutted to lose to us.
Lets hope we take him lower!

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