Has the internet made the world a better place?

Absolutely fucking not, the internet is one of our greatest creations but also one of our greatest mistakes
Yes. Some of the cleverest people in the world are neurodivergent and don't learn well in our one size fits all education system. Giving them an outlet to learn away from school social pressure I'm guessing is a godsend....and I no longer have to root in park bushes for pictures of ladies tits
The internet is fantastic - a truly great invention.

Unfortunately used and ruined by humans
To me this is the correct answer.

The problem with any open communications system is that you give a platform not only to balanced, rounded individuals who are willing to have a reasoned debate but also extremists, governments, the dregs of society (criminals, nonces etc) and idiots just wanting to cause trouble for kicks.

Social media platforms like X(twitter) have seemingly been purposefully constructed to prevent nuanced discussions, everything instead broken down to the text equivalent of a sound bite which drives polarised behaviour.
It has

Allowed people to speak to family and friends across the world. INTERNET
Made learnig and researching knowledge quicker and more accessable. INTERNET
Made entertainment of music, sport and film more accessable. INTERNET
Brings global news to you. INTERNET
For people housebound through illness or such gave them access to buy food, clothes and book holidays. INTERNET
Gave a voice to the loons of the world. SOCIAL MEDIA
Helps polarize opinion and create echo chambers. SOCIAL MEDIA
Can be used to spread lies and misinformation. SOCIAL MEDIA (LARGELY)
can be ysed to bully and abuse people. SOCIAL MEDIA
Made it easisr to find wanking material rather than disgarded jazz mags in a park ;-) INTERNET

so hit n miss

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