Have we become the most hated club in the PL ?

Everyone's loving the fact that we've got all this money and the likes of Robinho and we're still where we are. We're the underachievers and people think it gives them license to take the piss. If we begin to achieve then we'll become disliked - "oh they've ruined football" - yeah but we've had a time of it up until now. Someone pointed out the rags will be hated more than us still - i think people would rather see us win stuff than the rags.
In the summer of 1998 Danny Tiatto was signed by Manchester City for a fee of £300,000. Tiatto struggled to hold down a first team place during his first season at Manchester City, partially due to indiscipline. The next season was more successful for Tiatto, making 35 appearances as Manchester City gained promotion to the Premiership. The 2000/01 season saw Manchester City relegated, however, Tiatto performed well for the struggling club, and won Manchester City's Player of the Year award for the season.

But At The Same Time ......

The circumstances of his departure from Aston Villa were very controversial; Manchester United were accused of making an illegal approach for the player. John Gregory, Aston Villa manager at that time, made it known that the club did not want to sell Yorke to Manchester United unless they were prepared to exchange Andy Cole, a striker at Manchester United. Yorke then approached Gregory to state that he wanted to leave the club, to which Gregory was famously attributed to saying that he would shoot Yorke if he had had a gun in his office. Yorke played in a match for Villa at Everton early in the season in August 1998, however it appeared he made no effort during the match as he was unhappy at not being allowed to leave the club. Aston Villa was left with no option but to sell the player and he was transferred to Manchester United for£12.6 million in August 1998. Despite spending 9 years at Villa he is disliked by some of its fans for his behaviour at the time he left the club and also because he later joined Birmingham City, the arch-rivals of Aston Villa, but he is also widely regarded in the hearts of Aston Villa fans as one of the clubs greatest ever goalscorers.

Thats FORTY TWO Times More Than What We Could Afford, Whats The Difference Now Then, The Fucking Media Havent Got A Clue

Cityy Till I Diee !!
'No one likes us, we do'nt care'.

I really could'nt give a monkeys what the world thinks about us. I have had shit up to my armpits for over half my life. Give me some success. Please.
I think this time next year when we've rammed down the throats of all opposing fans those horrible twatty songs about our wealth it won't be just the media who hates us. The soft spot for City will be gone forever. For those who don't care fair enough because I'm looking forward to a trophy or two myself but at the same time I would hate to be looked like I've just come off their shoe.
As a little kid, did you ever have a Christmas(or birthday or whatever) where your sibling got a great present, and you hated what you ended up getting? Like, your older brother got that drumset you really wanted, and you got a pair of socks? How jealous would you be?

A stretch maybe, but I think that's what other clubs are feeling towards us now.

How would we feel if ADUG never bought us, but on the last day of the transfer window West Ham was taken over by them, and they pulled off a last minute move for a superstar like Robinho, and all of a sudden everyone was giving them all of the attention and it seemed only a matter of time before they fielded a team of world class players and crashed the Big 4 and Europe?

I'd be fuckin' jealous.
SambaMan said:
To be fair to Chelsea they probably did have it just as bad as us. We are just picking it up on every article about us. We probably didn't read all the articles on Chelsea back then.

But tbh I couldn't care less what everyone else thinks about us. At the end of the day if we are winning that's all I'm bothered about.

there were a LOT more "chelsea is ruining football" articles than there have been "City is ruining football."

we may be benefiting from there already having been a chelski, or that sort of thing may get louder when we start winning things, but right now (aside from being a laughingstock) we are less hated than they were at the time IMO.
as far as being hated goes, i don't mind, if we start winning things. teams are only cuddly when they lose.

i went to school at UNC-Chapel Hill, and we have one of the most hated college basketball teams in the US. that's cause we win stuff fairly often.

that said, i don't want City to become like the rags--where our manager does sleazy shit like have the manager snag a player at the airport when the club hasn't agreed to terms, or where (and this is the important one) as fans we collectively develop that smug sense of entitlement that rags fans have. if and when we start winning stuff, let's remember how we got there and not act like God fucking promised success to us just for being born, k?
I think it's the media rather than other clubs fans.
I know Chelsea had a bit of a tough time with the media during the early part of the Russians reign but it's nothing compared to the snide stuff said about us in the media.
Our new found wealth threatens the 'old order' and many in the media really don't like it.
Quite a few reporters have the same idea as the sky generation, that football started with the advent of the Premier league & thus that makes us a small club & unworthy of the chance to take a place in the top 4.
Some of the stuff in the media is incredibley snide & spiteful, i for one look forward ( hopefully) to when we can tell them all to go f*ck themselves when we raise some silverware.
Not that we will ever get any respect for it , the current top 4 have never spent big money of course ;-P

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