
Well-Known Member
19 Jan 2009
Under your bed, playing Monopoly with the Bogeyman
They have made some of the best telly i have ever seen. From the wire too deadwood. Sopranos was one of the most high profile series ever, and never got boring or old.

The best for me was the Wire. This is the best program i have ever watched. Unlike the sopranos, the ending was perfect.

Considering american telly is mostly full of crap which end up in-toxicating our youth with false ideas of life, such as the hill the OC ect, and Reality tv show, which in no way broaden your thinking. HBO suggest that not all americans are air headed slobs.

Whats peoples best series form HBO, and why?
pee dubya said:
The Wire was class, i miss it.

Me too mate, i was thinking of setting up a support group. I was happy at the end, but then an hour after the last episode(I have all the series's on DVD and watched them before it was on the telly, Whit-woo), i started to get withdrawl symptoms. I'm taking a dose of deadwood, 2 times a day too get me through.
THE CORNER -definitely worth watching
OZ - First couple of series were good,lost its way a bit near the end,but still good on the whole
Was Rome HBO ??? if so it gets my vote, if you havent seen it get the box sets unbeliveable

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